It’s not even casual internet surfing anymore. While looking for a job several months ago, I had to create a new account on every. Single. Fucking. Application.
I have several different Workday accounts because of that.
Literally 43 workday accounts. And it couldn’t reuse the info I put in 42 times before
Agonizing. I’m starting to understand why some people choose to buck the system and live off the land in the wilderness.
I never used Workday - why do you need different accounts? Are there per-account limits you need to bypass? Or do multiple companies use their software and you need a different account for each company?
It’s probably due to privacy laws that Workday doesn’t share your information with other clients.
The latter. Every time I have to job hunt, it’s mentally exhausting from how frustrating it is. I have over 90 logins to various job sites and that isn’t counting the ones using Google login or the ones I just let my browser save and I never copied to my password library.
If I ever have to job hunt again I’m printing out paper resumes and hitting the pavement like it’s 1980 again.
and all of them will resell your data to spammers advertisers and worse
Don’t forget mailing list nags that are engineered to pop up right when you are reading the third sentence of the article.
Right after the BS cookie popup.
Or I click a link to story about a cat stuck in a tree and it takes me to small, local newspaper I’ve never heard of called “The Sawfly Gazette - serving South Western Maine since 1975!”, then it immediately tells me I’ve hit my “article limit” and must subscribe for $14.95.