Anna Gomez confirmation means “FCC can act swiftly to restore net neutrality.”
“If confirmed, she would give the Democrats a majority at the FCC that would enable them to impose a radical left-wing agenda, including investment-killing and job-killing so-called net neutrality rules, otherwise known as Obamacare for the Internet” Cruz said.
Now let’s get back to net neutrality and rules on social media.
I’m not holding my breath.
We’ll probably see them lobbying to give ISPs additional taxpayer funds to ‘expand’ broadband access while redefining broadband to be anything above 150Kbps.
What rules
I hope they clap the cheeks of the lobbies and finalize net neutrality rules with no take-backsies. Then focus on actually improving the internet after that. Just…please get shit done. Quickly.
What took so long?