Open source processors. What a time to be alive.
Hasn’t ARM always been open source?
No, it’s licensed. RISC-V isn’t necessarily open sourced either. It’s an open standard, but you can develop your own proprietary designs on it.
To my understanding RISC-V is like BSD lisenced not GPL.
I think it was MIT, which is basically the same like BSD
Whoa! So RISC-V is already that far? We can have tablets? Nice.
I’m almost in “shut up and take my money” -mode already.
That’s pretty cool. What’s the battery life like on this thing?
Without ever having used it, I can say with complete confidence that it’s probably bad. It’s not an optimised consumer level device, it’s a product aimed at enthusiasts and tinkerers who want to implement Linux on a new platform and form factor.
Does the pinetab v have working WiFi drivers? The arm version doesn’t