Honestly, while I’ve heard her name, I had to google to find out what her songs were. I still don’t think I’ve heard any of them. Half of them appear to be worship songs.
Honestly, while I’ve heard her name, I had to google to find out what her songs were. I still don’t think I’ve heard any of them. Half of them appear to be worship songs.
You mean, I might actually see their faces?
That reminds me, I need to catch up with his Law Blog.
Also, just to add some context for the specific example of Battlestar Galactica: the show premiered in 2004. The 9/11 attacks were still fresh in peoples’ minds. Congress had passed the Patriot Act giving law enforcement and intelligence services new directives to surveil and police US citizens and look for signs of future terrorist plots. We were entrenched in two new wars, and there were lots of protests. There were scandals involving the president and his advisors misleading the public about the nature and quality of intelligence they had.
The plot and themes of B:G were a direct response to all of this. The idea of martial law being declared and rights being suspended was not some far-fetched idea the show writers were playing with. People were really concerned that it might happen to squash public unrest.
“I’d just like to stress, that technique, using that super scooper aircraft, are our most effective technique to fight fires like this, and when this happens, it puts everybody’s lives at risk,”
Sure, but just think of the cool footage that person was getting! /s
I already noticed a significant uptick in bullshit “news” sources in my feed over the last month. Facebook has become a cess pool. Either most of the people on my friends list aren’t posting anymore or else my feed is being deliberately diluted. I’m only seeing about 1 friend post for every 20 ads.
Critics questioned why ABC settled early, suggesting political deference to Trump.
I’m not sure I blame them. After seeing the long list of cronies Trump is planning to install in government leadership on day 1, and the rhetoric he has been throwing around about punishing his detractors… I certainly would not want to be actively involved in any sort of legal dispute with the man right now.
The only thing shocking here is that he’s openly admitting he won’t keep his promises.
Try explaining that to the typical Republican party voter, though. All they know is “Obamacare BAD!” because that’s the message that has been pumped into their brains non-stop for the last 10 years. When you actually start explaining the specific things that the ACA established they’ll say, “Oh yeah, that seems like a really good thing, we should do that!” They don’t understand that ACA and Obamacare are the same thing.
We are inundated with these sort of low-information voters who don’t understand how their representatives are literally screwing them over while blaming the other side for all their woes.
But that’s potentially OUR money!!!
-Insurance Providers
Sure sure. As with anything, moderation is key. But for a while there all the “health” influencers were making it out to be a super healthy option and telling people to put it in practically everything.
An emulsion like mayonnaise is not a pure fat, though. It’s a mixture of different fats (both saturated and poly-unsaturated) and water. The mixture is stabilized by emulsifying agents like lecithin that interact with both the fats and the water. When all theses ingredients are blended together with enough force they create an arrangement that is semi-solid at room temperature, yes. But you can’t compare that fairly to a pure fat. If you try, you’re missing the point.
That said, mayo is a great replacement for butter in some situations. Try spreading a little on bread before toasting it in a hot skillet.
Nope. Coconut oil is really high in saturated fat. It’s bad. The fact that it went through a phase where people were considering it a “healthy” fat had actual nutritionists raging.
Until some regulatory agency fines them to the degree that it actually hurts their bottom line, they have no incentive to do better. You can’t appeal to the morality of a corporation. As a business, they only respond to numbers.
I’m sorry to report, Ms. Bryant is not dead. She just hasn’t been very publicly active since the late 90s. Also, her granddaughter came out as gay and got married to her partner a few years ago. It’s a little harder to be publicly self-righteous when even your own family doesn’t conform to your beliefs.
“To Serve Man”
“Moms for Liberty”, I guess?
You’re putting words in my mouth. I was responding directly to your point about how undocumented immigrants can’t vote and nothing else. I feel very bad for the people that are going to be affected directly. Honestly, everyone is going to be affected in some way.
Meat won’t be the only impacted ag industry. A lot of fruits and vegetables still require hand picking and packing. The only product that is largely automated from start to finish is grain. Maybe potatoes, too.
I don’t know how other schools/districts are handling this issue, but in my kids’ high school they have plastic storage bins in every classroom. Some classes have one big bin by the door. Others have multiple smaller bins at each group table. When the kids enter the room, they are expected to put their phone in the bin and leave it there until the end class. The bins aren’t locked or put anywhere they can’t be reached in an emergency.
From everything I’ve heard from both teachers and students, this new policy is working wonders to increase student engagement and interaction. I honestly don’t see any downsides. The only people I’ve seen complaining are helicopter parents who are upset that they can’t get ahold of their kid at any moment of the day.