Whenever I see a mountain range Uncle Rico pops into my head.
Whenever I see a mountain range Uncle Rico pops into my head.
I felt like I was taking crazy pills while watching it as I tried to reconcile what I was experiencing vs what I heard from others.
Surprised they didn’t wheel him out too
If you go to the site you can’t see anything but the join page with no visible adult content. I wonder if it was always like that or they temporarily set it like that.
Wish it said “Excellent source of BWAH”
I made this prediction before kind of joking, but I feel like it could still end up this way, where in the near future we’ll all be installing a FOSS AI after a fresh install whose sole job is to target the corpo AI’s on our local machines and continuously cripple them.
I remember having to crack the PIN code to access the locked channels (which would just give me access to things like skinemax late at night). I faked sick one day to stay home and set to work. I think there was a short timeout after a few failed attempts, so you could only go so fast. It only took 852 tries but I got it! It was 0852, which was just a straight line up the keypad 😑
To young me the most interesting part of that show was the beginning and seeing Mulder (David Duchovny) in something outside of the X-Files
Definitely paused for dramatic effect. So cringe lol
I feel like one day the common practice to combat Microsoft’s enshittification of Windows (besides dropping it altogether) will stop being “download this program and disable all the garbage with registry edits A-Z” to “download this fighting AI that will be in a constant battle with Microsoft’s AI to try and stop it from spying on you”.
Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be this dumb.
I’ve noticed it getting worse as well. It ducking sucks now.
What service do you recommend for writing formulas? I’m perfectly capable of writing my own, but I’m just so lazy now.
What a cunt. Virginia really needs to split in two. The top 20% of the state geographically makes up the majority of its people and wealth. The rest is rednecks and dumb shits who get retards like this elected.
Discovering new weird sites that were super entertaining to middle schoolers like myself. Not sure how to best describe them, but sites like homestar runner, newgrounds, albinoblacksheep. There’s countless more but I can’t remember the names off the top of my head. I remember liking Maddox a lot at that age, but I realized later he was basically a POS iirc.
Only reason I watched the movie
OOOH, that china. I was like what a peculiar name 😂