he/him, leftist, vegan

proud Ukrainian, yoyo player, soulslike enthusiast, future SLP

lemmy.zip admin

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Bolognese and chilli are awesome. They usually taste better the next day since the sauce had time to soak in all the flavours from the spices we use.

    Soups are also really good and full of flavour. Our current favourite is a coconut milk rice noodle soup with lemongrass and curry paste in it. Tastes really fresh, a little spicy, and the rice noodles add a nice consistency to the meal. Top it off with some fried, marinated tofu and you’re golden

  • It’s sad that people have gotten used to just throwing away stuff instead of repairing it. Sure, some repairs really aren’t worth it - like the screen I’d gotten replaced of my LG G3 that was prone to have this defect with its screen regardless of screen swaps and whatnot - but most of the time, it’s just minor things that can actually be fixed by non-tech savvy person.

    I think it should be of paramount importance that more companies are held accountable as to the amount of waste they’re producing and how much they’re contributing to pollution and waste around the globe. Unfortunately, capitalism is a thing, so that’s not gonna happen.

    Having repairable options for those that do care is awesome, though. If I could afford, I’d gladly go for a Fairphone if I ever need to replace my current phone (still going strong after 5 years of use). Until their mass appeal, they’ll likely remain out of my pockets.

  • First off, it’s ok to be in this mental state - it’s nothing to be ashamed of or angry at, as uncomfortable as it is. Because ultimately, thinking about each and everyone’s “purpose” is is not a bad thing per se. It’s what helped me branch out and starting an apprenticeship in something I wasn’t sure I’d be fit for after stumbling around in university and not knowing what to do with my life.

    That said, I think life is about creating heaven on earth as far and much as possible. All your good deeds don’t go unnoticed and don’t go away if you die. It’s about making something meaningful and special, be it to you or to others.

    Who cares if there even is an afterlife. You can just exist in the here and now and make the best of it. Granted, a lot of things are going south right now, but it’s the thought that counts.

    Re-unite with family with whom you’ve not been in touch for a while, meet new friends, experience new things, be a good friend. All of these things generate value either for you or for others and these are the things that count in the long term.

    But also don’t feel bad if you don’t live up to your expectations every single day. It’s ok to take time off, to focus on yourself and not sacrifice your well-being for others all the time.

    Not sure if any of this helps, but it’s what’s helping/helped me and these were my thoughts in regards to this subject. Lots of love - get better soon 💜

  • I used to hate Sundays the most out of all. Not because work is starting again but mostly because you can’t really do anything on Sundays: can’t go shopping, can’t go to the city for random activities. Sunday has the potential to be as good as Saturday but only if I actually have something to do. It’s gotten better recently, tho

  • I remember stealing small toys from dentists and pediatricians when I was little. Like, you were allowed to pick one toy after the appointment and I took two or something?

    Unfortunately, I’ve also stolen from friends of mine. I was around 7 or 8 and wanted a Tamagotchi real bad but couldn’t afford one because I didn’t have/get any allowance and my parents couldn’t just buy me one since we were tight on money growing up. Ff to us visiting friends and I notice 15€ on my friend’s night desk which I just stashed.

    Same day, I go to my mother, all proud, and proclaim “Look, I only need another 5€ to get a Tamagotchi!” When she asked where I’d gotten the money from, I confessed, realised what I did was stupid, and apologised to his mother over the phone. I remember crying real bad and promising I’d never do something like that ever again; she was really cool about it and wasn’t angry at all which was nice. Felt awful regardless.

    I did end up getting a Tamagotchi for my birthday so yay?