A federal judge on Monday temporarily barred the removal of a memorial to Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery after a push from a citizens group and some GOP lawmakers.

The temporary restraining order, issued by U.S. District Judge Rossie D. Alston Jr. in Alexandra, Va., comes just one day after a group called Defend Arlington, which is affiliated with a group called Save Southern Heritage Florida, filed a suit against the Department of Defense seeking a restraining order against the memorial’s removal.

It is set to expire at 5 p.m. Wednesday following an expected hearing Wednesday morning.

  • NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Who can forget when the garrison at Fort Sumpter aggressively followed their orders by not leaving when ordered to by a group of people with no authority. Those yank soldiers were standing there, MENACINGLY!

    Don’t ask me who shot first