No shit sherlock. Some of us have known this for decades.
Centuries even
Remind me again how long we have had powered flight? Pretty sure it’s just over a century. Not sure if plural fits here.
20th and 21st centuries… Checkmate
If you’ve known something for 11 years, would you say you’ve known it for 2 decades?
Check, mate.
You would say you have known it in 2 decades.
Double checkmate
the first powered blimp was built in the 1850s so it’s only 26 years away from being a 200 year old technology, first hot air balloon flight was 250ish years ago though and as long as someone couldn’t tell what it was then that’s technically a UFO from over 200 years ago.
The report lists new technologies that researchers believe led to spikes in UAP reports in the 1950s and 60s. They included high-altitude balloons - one of which inspired waves of UFO speculation when it crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947
oh for fuck’s sake
Not to mention that relentless “swamp gas”
Dude in the military who runs the swamp gas generator:
Can’t get any fuckin respect
likely? wouldnt they know?
No. Such info would be “compartmentalized.” In fact one means that one program might test something is by exposing it to another program. Like a new stealth drone might go fly around an aircraft carrier for a bit and see if the Navy spots it.
I dont even know one of my neighbor’s new live-in gf name how the heck would all of the military know what all of the military is up too?
There are other sources for UFO sightings so they can’t know if they were responsible. For example, sometimes it’s aliens and not the US government, but that’s a lot more rare.
Most of the sightings were just people saying that saw a thing. They can’t know for certain what they saw. They weren’t there.
Like, even if they know there was a test in the right area at the right time, the witness could easily be looking the other way and not remember which direction they were facing. How often do you know which way it’s North?
Picture it as a conversation.
“I saw something round flying around all weird in the sky last night”.
“Well, we were doing tests on a weird round flying thing yesterday, so it was probably that”
They can’t give a more definitive answer. For all they know the person was drunk and saw a bat.
Then how do you explain the X-Files then???