If your employer forced you to either use Google or Microsoft or some other tech company (Apple, Samsung, etc.) what would be a better choice?

Which company is more compliant in terms of privacy or generally better and why?

I was thinking about Google since there were new regulations enforced by government and at least I don’t have to pay for Google Docs, unlike Microsoft where I pay and I’m still spied on.

  • PuppyOSAndCoffee@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    What a business license is paying for, typically, is privacy / protection for its proprietary information; Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc are all going to be good enough. Boils down to terms and conditions of the business agreement. Your information as an employee is “protected” but assume your employer is going to know and see all. Never use your work things for personal things.

    Apple has the best consumer level privacy options imo; again, it’s not free.