I’m disappointed that she’s a federal judge - so I honestly don’t give a shit what disappoints her.
She’s a future Supreme if ever there was one. One bendy MAGA idiot to add to the growing collection.
This country won’t last that long
What a wonderful compliment for Mr. Smith.
Is there anything to be disappointed in Jack Smith about? Maybe. But it pales in comparison to what we have to be disappointed in
AmyAileen Cannon about. The judge is the only disappointing story here.It’s hard to give a shit about anything a MAGA syncophant thinks or feels.
They are soulless creatures, it is hard to imagine them thinking or feeling.
Is there anything to be disappointed in Jack Smith about?
Yes, if you feel what he does threatens your darling’s candidacy.
But for the rest of us, no.
I’m a bit disappointed in him for not trying to go above her for a mistrial yet. But I’m holding out hope that he won’t just sit there and let her blatantly kill the case without even trying to hide it
Aileen* Cannon
Thanks, fixed. Not sure who the other person is.
Maybe you were thinking of Amy Coney Barrett?
I honestly don’t know but that sounds like a good possibility 🙂
Lmfao - the guy looks like Coach and this judge looks incompetent all around, needing procedures and the impact of ignoring things explained to her.
I’ll take Coach over a clown.