Personally, I’m partial to a thin crust cheese pizza folded and dipped into either hot sauce or ranch. But I also enjoy modest amounts of meat, greens and pineapple.
Personally, I’m partial to a thin crust cheese pizza folded and dipped into either hot sauce or ranch. But I also enjoy modest amounts of meat, greens and pineapple.
They said “pizza”, not “tomato soup bread bowl”…
J/k - looks epic. Sad I didn’t get a chance to try a real Chicago style deep dish pizza on my first trip earlier this year 😞…
its a cracker crust!
to me, this is why pizza is called a ‘pie’ its a big ol’ meat and cheeese pie. theres something weird about the sauce being on top that makes the whole thing work
if you ever get to a state with a giordanos please give it a try, its the epitome of deep dish (imho). i spent a year learning to making a carbon copy after i moved away.
Is making it difficult?
nope. the crust is weird in that its very thin, and contains a lot of oil… and theres 2 of them… a top and bottom. after all the sauces i tried, a generic store brand tasted the best… let me dig out the recipe…
here is the recipe
2lbs mozzarella/pizza cheese 16 oz pizza sauce 1 cup Warm Water 3 2/3 tablespoons Canola Oil 1 teaspoon Olive Oil 1 1/2 teaspoons Kosher Salt 1 1/2 teaspoons Granulated Sugar 3 cups unbleached All-Purpose Flour, Use the Scoop-And-Sweep method 1 1/2 teaspoons Instant Dry Yeast
Prepare Crust Add the warm water and pinch of sugar to mixing bowl add yeast and let foam for 30 seconds or so. Add everything else mix until just stuck together (3-4 minutes, everything will still be flaky)
Lightly flour a surface knead the dough ball for about two minutes. Kneading longer than a couple minutes will make the crust more fluffy and bread-like instead of dense and biscuit-like. Break off 1/3 of the dough ball, this will be the top crust. Form them both into dough balls and place into a large oiled bowl. Let the dough rise once at room temperature, punch down and place in refrigerator for at least 7 hours.
Prepare Pan Take out of the fridge and let it reach room temperature (about 2 hours). Let rise at room temp for 6-8 hours (although it won’t rise much). roll out the balls of dough extremely thin take a cast iron skillet or springform pan (high sides are better) grease with butter well lay the first crust in, it should come all the way up the sides of the pan. wet bottom of crust with sauce very lightly layer in all your toppings with a little but of cheese, the add the rest of the cheese. lay on the top crust, seal it up with the bottom crust. poke some holes in the top crust toward the middle. then pour the sauce on, even out. Bake at 400 for 35-40 minutes, until the crust is lightly browned and the cheese is melted thoroughly.
It’s called a pizza pie, and this is truly a pie, not like those dumb normal flat pizzas.