i’m looking for a place/means/medium for texts that i write. content is essays on topics that i find worthy writing about with hints towars philosophy (i guess).
twenty years ago the right answer to my question would have been a (we-)blog - what’s the current day equivalent for such a venture?
optimally, a solution would neither be based on lock-ins, data collection/aggregation or other shady business and would be freely (e.g. in a web browser, no login/registration required) and easily accessible.
is a text based, massively interlinked website that predates Wikipedia.
The topics(nodes) range from non-fiction informational to philosophical musings.
Will need an account to add nodes.
this looks very interesting! any pointers on how to (get) use(d to) it?
Nope, I’ve never posted, just remember it as a huge trove with a decent vibe.
Pretty sure it is just: create account and post.
I think some people add a CC licence to their works.
This has all the starter info:
https://everything2.com/node/e2node/An Introduction to Everything2
The gridbox shown at the bottom of each page, shows the nodes related to the page you are on.
WriteFreely and Plume are based on ActivityPub and can be followed from the Fediverse (in addition to RSS of course)
Do you have any opinions on or comparison of the two?
I used to prefer Plume because it’s written in Rust, but, well, it seems like it isn’t maintained right now, so WriteFreely is currently the better option
I don’t see anyone open for no cost right now (at least not in English). Might see about self-hosting if it’ll run on a raspberry pi.
There are many open WriteFreely instances: https://writefreely.org/instances
Write.as is kinda the flagship instance
Writefreely is a fantastic option. Your posts and profile integrate perfectly with the Fediverse right out of the box, it’s nice to look at and really nice to use. It’s also FOSS. RSS is supported by default. If you want to tinker with it you can add custom CSS and it’s self-hostable. I host my own instance and it’s by far the simplest & easiest federated software I’ve run. An absolute peach - highly recommend!
Wordpress recently started offering fediverse federation. That it exists is the sum total of what I know about it, but I can see the potential.
Something really weird and interesting is Gemini Gemlogs. Technically not WWW, but still an internet platform.
Something more normal and accessible is Hugo.
i’ve been into gemini and similar tech - and i really love it! did actually consider it, although i’m not sure whether it’s an obstace for less tech-savvy people to reach my content?
Hugo looks promising - especially since i’m somewhat critical of huge (js heavy), dynamic websites
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