Read all about it in this month’s issue of Duh.
Oh, so like every other media out there? Using controversial content to incite outrage to get more clicks and reactions?
God I’m so tired of this shit.
News on TV, on the internet, in newspapers, posts on all sorts of social media, it’s all the same outrage BS.
Remember when companies primarily used to try to monetize our happiness and comfort? Doing things like associating their brands with good times and shit?
Never thought I’d miss that hollow hallmark garbage(… is hallmark even a thing still??)
So, would you say that it makes you feel…outrage?
Excellent. It’s all coming together.
The young person equivalent terminology is now “Gyat” which (I’m not making this up!) was reportedly coined by a streamer called YourRAGE. The more you know… (the more you wish you didn’t?:-P)
Edit: the (accredited on the wiki page of the word) original origin story.
No it was mor of a “GAAAAHHHH!!!” and not GYAT DAYUM!"
Just like every other social media site. I get redpill BS in my tiktok feeds because I commented one too many times calling them idiots.
Why even use tiktok?
Downvoting to indicate you’re not interested is not how it works (or worked). Same for Lemmy.
*I’m saying that voting doesn’t impact your feed in the way of “show me more like this” or “show me less of this”.
Unfortunately so. The original goal of downvotes in the reddiquette used to say that downvotes were meant for posts and comments that were uninteresting/spam and didn’t contribute to the discussion, but unfortunately most people use it to shut down viewpoints they don’t agree with.
Reddit had, historically, been pretty good about the first few posts in an article complementing or rebutting the headline (particularly when the OP is controversial). Now the degree of fake engagement has made that harder to come by, simply because its hard to procedurally generate a rational set of ideas.
But in more insular and criticism-hostile communities, you’d regularly see a “Fuck <Thing We All Don’t Like>” as the most upvoted comment, with any critique or nuance buried under a hill of downvotes. You’ll also see some variation of Fed-jacking/Bot-tagging used to rebut any thoughtful criticism.
In fairness, we see it around here, too. People get dogpiled for having an .ml source account. People get tagged as “Russian Bot” or “CCP Tankie” for expressing the least bit of criticism of US/UK foreign policy. There’s just an orgy of hate in social media, even in areas that don’t explicitly encourage it.
Reddiquette doesn’t work when you see in-group shitposts as positive contributions and outsider critiques as inconsequential spam. Doubly so when the mods are pushing a particular agenda.
strategy as old as the day when some corporate ghoul clocked that more engagement = more ad time. facebook is probably the worst offender with youtube being a close second
Have you ever browsed twitter post musk (not saying you should)?
But elon musks’ “X” is probably the worst offender here.
post-elon twitter is bad, but both fb and yt overtakes it vastly by having much larger user base
Roughly one year ago, you say? Gee, I wonder what could possibly have happened roughly one year ago, hrm? Can’t really think of anything particularly memorable that happened roughly one year in the past… [them, OP and all the commenters]
I wonder what the timeline is before the inevitable selling of data results in users getting doxxed.
That is when Reddit starts selling Reddit Premium to not sell all your data, bc fuck all you all apparently, according to spez.
Edit: holy shit that may have already just started.