Why is it always a strawman with you people. Crowder is on video verbally abusing and degrading his wife, among the constant garbage hate, propaganda and misinformation he spews. He is a piece of shit and I could do without seeing his face. Even if you agree with his politics, he’s a sniveling smug asshole and has been a provocateur for years. I’ll take calvin any day
Do you not know what strawman means? There’s plenty of people in memes I don’t like, e.g. Zuckerberg, Alex Jones, etc. But I don’t demand they no longer be a meme because I don’t agree with them. Your life must be so taxing if you care so much about a silly meme format.
It is a strawman because you are clearly underselling the problem with Crowder and misrepresenting the point. It’s not just “I don’t like him”. It seems you care a lot more about this meme format than you let on.
Why is it always a strawman with you people. Crowder is on video verbally abusing and degrading his wife, among the constant garbage hate, propaganda and misinformation he spews. He is a piece of shit and I could do without seeing his face. Even if you agree with his politics, he’s a sniveling smug asshole and has been a provocateur for years. I’ll take calvin any day
Do you not know what strawman means? There’s plenty of people in memes I don’t like, e.g. Zuckerberg, Alex Jones, etc. But I don’t demand they no longer be a meme because I don’t agree with them. Your life must be so taxing if you care so much about a silly meme format.
It is a strawman because you are clearly underselling the problem with Crowder and misrepresenting the point. It’s not just “I don’t like him”. It seems you care a lot more about this meme format than you let on.