The biggest Internet service providers will dominate a $42.45 billion broadband grant program unless the Biden administration changes a rule requiring grant recipients to obtain a letter of credit from a bank, according to a joint statement from consumer advocacy groups, local government officials, and advocates for small ISPs.
The letter sent today to US government officials argues that “by establishing capital barriers too steep for all but the best-funded ISPs, the LOC [letter-of-credit requirement] shuts out the vast majority of entities the program claims to prioritize: small and community-centered ISPs, minority and women-owned ISPs, nonprofits, and municipalities.”
The rule is part of the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program that’s being administered by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).
That is total BS. Biden has more specifically than any president I have encountered so far and I was quite surprised with it. Besides the inflation reduction act there is the no surprises act is huge for me. The IRS implementing a tax return system which is directly opposed to a large corporate lobbying effort that has been going on for decades. Much like the no surprises came in quietly I noticed it and there has been some others I can’t recall atm but I like what biden has done in his first term.
I don’t know. That dude does know a lot about shills.
Biden was against giving rail workers 1 day per year of sick time.
Get your head out of corporate media’s ass.