For me, it was that the Internet never forgets and that you should never enter your real name. In my opinion, both of these rules are now completely ignored.
For me, it was that the Internet never forgets and that you should never enter your real name. In my opinion, both of these rules are now completely ignored.
I learned as a kid playing star craft that there are noobs and newbs. Newbs are people new to a game who need help learning. And a noob is someone who has played for a while and refuses to learn and would rather troll.
I just discovered this morning that my nephew is a noob then.
This actually perfectly fits. He’s been homeless. Let him stay with me. He got a job pretty quick. But today, his fourth day, he was late because he set his alarm for 7:30 instead of 6:30.
I’ve been unconsciously treating him as a newb, because he acts like a teenager. It just automatically activates a father instinct for me.
But he’s almost 30. He’s had plenty of time to figure this shit out.
We went and got groceries last night. He bought almost nothing but simple carbs. Most of that coming from straight sugar. Like, fruit punch drinks and shit. He eats like a six year old at a candy store.
Well, not quite that bad. But bad. And his health is fucked up. He sees no connection between subsisting on simple carbs and having health problems, addiction, etc.
No excuse. Alarms can be set with a recurring theme or planned to a specific day.

I suggested that he might set a recurring alarm and he refused on the basis that he goes to sleep at different times each night.
His job is at the same time every day! His bus is at the same time every day!
Lol. Can’t help a refusing person, right?
Just made me realize the term is just a shortened form of newbie.
Damn noob ;-)
I’ve heard this one phrased: “Newbs deserve a helping hand. Noobs deserve a kicking.”
GG ez noobs.
No re?
Hahaha I used to have a shirt from “Jinx” back when they were cool that said “I eat Nøøbs”.
And “Play in your world. Get pwnd in mine.”
Wouldn’t be caught dead in those now. But haha it was amusing in ~2005.
It was a simpler time where a shirt that simply said “gamer” wouldn’t get you socially sneered at.
Haha that reminds me of a shirt I had around '08/'09 that just said “Awesomesauce.” I kind of miss the silly stuff like that and the shirts you mentioned. It really does seem like it was a simpler time :) Nowadays life is pwning me left and right!
I’ve never heard the terms were treated differently. A troll was just called a troll.
Hm, well, there are trolls and there are trawls
How do you pronounce newb ?
Likely contentious but my experience has been “newb” has a slight vocal raising to indicate light-heartedness, ie:
Noob: no͞ob Newb: nyo͞ob