Hi friends, I’m back, this time jotting down some notes around my go-to way to provision VMs using Ansible. This post assumes Debian (Nix may be a future post).

Of course there’s many ways to provision a server, and this is just one of them. I hope some of these notes are helpful!

If you have any other ways you prefer to set up a server, that would be cool to share!

  • eldavi@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    What would you say is Ansible’s strong suit?

    configuration management; aka infrastructure as code. terraform creates the instance and then ansible sets it up and you can copy and paste your playbooks to make it repeatable into infinity and that’s called infrastructure as code.

    it’s literally in interview questions and in take home assessments; you’re well ahead of the curve.

    i literally get paid to do this and; once you figure it out; you should too.