An estimated 140 women and girls across the world die at the hands of their partner or family member every day, according to new global estimates on femicide by the UN.

The report by UN Women found 85,000 women and girls were killed intentionally by men in 2023, with 60% (51,100) of these deaths committed by someone close to the victim. The organisation said its figures showed that, globally, the most dangerous place for a woman to be was in her home, where the majority of women die at the hands of men.

Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, UN Women’s deputy executive director, said: “What the data is telling us is that it is the private and domestic sphere’s of women’s lives, where they should be safest, that so many of them are being exposed to deadly violence.

    3 months ago

    You interjected in the discussion with non-relevant stats, and are now getting mad when called out on it.

    Your stats you are presenting aren’t relevant to the post I made. Deal with it and go throw a tantrum somewhere else. I posted first, you are trying to talk over me

    Go find an echo chamber to complain to instead of cluttering up discussions with irrelevance and throwing tantrums while people are trying to talk about the actual facts that are relevant.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

      3 months ago

      Yeah youre right a post about femicide by intimate partners has no connection with rates of intimate partner violence.

      I also didnt respond to your fucking post with those stats I was responding to another commenter. Everything else I said stands.

        3 months ago

        Historical odds of experiencing violence in the past has no relevance to discrete odds of danger now, correct.

        Glad you finally figured it out.

        Having experienced food poisoning 5 years ago has zero relevance to the question of “is this current dish I am about to eat safe?”

        The latter is the discussion you are insisting on butting in on and trying to steer the convo towards the former.

        No one gives a shit about your food poisoning from 5 years ago Karen, we are discussing if this dish right now is poisoned or not.