White to black, because people say that white and black aren’t colours.
But I just say “FFFFFFuck y000000u!”
The colors that appear in the sky during a sunset. Beautiful blues, purples and oranges, slowly dimming until it disappears over the horizon.
my fav color is clear, so my fav gradient would be opacity
I was going for something similar with 75% opaque at the top and 0% opaque at the bottom, known as a neutral density gradient in photography, often used in landscape photographs to balance the bright sky against the less bright ground or water. This is a great one for me since I’m color blind.
‘videogame ice effect’
I seriously love the over-the-top ice shaders used in all those early 2000s games. Ice always looked amazing, just this super bright white with pearlescent whitish-blue highlights that shimmered at odd angles and stuff. It’s so cool.
Like the bridge tunnel in IceFields from HaloPC in 2003.
Or the almost-fully-transparent ice tunnel in Crysis Warhead (and firefall. Firefall had AMAZING ice shaders, it had some direction-based visual stuff going on where it had volumetric speckles all throuought the foot-thick ice).
Honestly: ice-themed anything looks cool to me, color-wise
Dunno if it counts as one or three gradients, but I really like this green/brown/gold gradations.
This is actually my diagonal monitor background
Let me guess – Java developer?
These look like Splatoon characters
…can you post your monitor setup?
That’s not the kind of diagonal I expected. I thought it would be something like this: