• Sludgeyy@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Having everyone on one time zone would be the best thing ever.

    Have you really thought this through?

    It’s 12 pm in New York.

    It’s 9 am in California.

    Sun rised at 7 am in NY today

    Sun rised at 7 am in CA today

    It was 10 am in NY when sun rose in CA

    So let’s say we get on one clock.

    That means sun rises in California at 4 am

    So now everyone in California has to shift their whole schedule around that.

    7 am sunrise, 9am-5pm work (Sun set begins at 4.5pm)

    Would become 4 am sunrise, 6am-2pm work (Sun set begins at 1:30pm)

    How is that the best thing ever?