• yesman@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Appeasement is a famously poor strategy when dealing with bullies, that’s 100%.

    However, if you’re referring to Nevil Chamberlain and the “peace in our time” deal with Hitler regarding Czechoslovakia, that’s one of the most misunderstood “teachable moments” in history.

    The central concept of “appeasing” Hitler relies on the false premise that England (or France, or Together) were in a position to do anything about German tanks rolling East. Chamberlain had received intelligence shortly before this meeting that they were absolutely not. England and France were helpless to protect Poland after all. And for months existed in an abortive “phony war” after the official deceleration.

    Also you have to consider British public opinion about another war on the continent with Germany when most could still remember 1914-1918. So not only was Chamberlain helpless to prevent Hitler’s invasion, his political mandate was to avoid war.

    Chamberlain’s reputation for being weak and bowing to Hitler’s demands is undeserved. But worse, is often used as a rational for aggression or as a cudgel to dismiss diplomacy.

    • Vikthor@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      It’s quite telling how these Chamberlain’s apologists always ignore the Czechoslovak materiel and arms industry. Yes, Britain and France were unable to help Poland also because they let Germany get all the Czechoslovak equipment and factories absolutely unscathed.