Every group chat seems to die the moment I send 1-2 texts there. Every single one. Old, new, offline friends, online friends, everywhere. What’s going on? Are my jokes bad? Have you ever experienced this? If yes, what was the issue you found out?

  • lennybird@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Tough but honest advice. I can relate to needing this advice but I’ve come to accept who I am. People just like sincerity, too. Organic, not shoehorned comments. No compliment fishing, etc… The group you’re chatting with also just may not be your kind of people; you just may not have realized it yet.

    Alternatively chat groups do spontaneously die and you may only be consciously aware when it’s you who commented last; but you may not be so aware of the chat groups that died with someone else’s comments.