Any Generators, Power Banks, Solar Panels, etc…?

Edit: So I’m gonna answer my own question. I’ll probably freak out and would have zero generators to deal with it. Heater is Gas, but I don’t know if gas would work during power outage. Cooking, well there’s a butane burner stove. I have 3 10000mah batteries, but they have 60% efficiency due to power loss during transfer, so its effectively 6000mah, enough to roughly charge my 5000mah battery once, 3 batteries is 3-4 charges. Then I’d be bored with zero entertainment, along with all the food melting and going bad, very not fun 🙃

    3 months ago

    About a month. We have a supply of water and since it’s winter stuff will stay frozen because I can put it outside in the shed. Plenty of wood to cook over. But after a month I’m screwed on that end. I do have a natural gas tank for a grill but the grill doesn’t work. So if I can find a grill to use that will extend my time.

    The only problem: toilet. Not sure if water can keep going if there is no power at the water plant and water treatment plant. Maybe they run by solar.

    Heating the house. There is a way to use the wood to heat the house. But it won’t be pretty. I don’t need to heat the whole house. Just a part of it.

      3 months ago

      I guess that just depends on the area and how fast water towers are filled up/drained by the locals. I have no idea.

      3 months ago

      I’m downhill from a water tower which I guess is good. However I live in a major metropolitan area with water pumped from 100 miles away. So I can’t imagine that working

      When they built a new tower, they were talking 1/2 supply, so I guess that