As a thinking experiment, let us consider that on the 1st of January of 2025 it is announced that an advance making possible growing any kind of animal tissue in laboratory conditions as been achieved and that it is possible to scale it in order to achieve industrial grade production level.

There is no limit on which animal tissues can be grown, so, any species is achieveable, only being needed a small cell sample from an animal to start production, and the cultivated tissues are safe for consumption.

There won’t be any perceiveable price change to the end consummer, as the growing is a complex and labour intensive process, requiring specialized equipments and personnel.

Would you change to this new diet option?

    3 months ago

    As long as it scaled to reasonably the same price as current meat, I’d absolutely do it unless there were some significant downsides like it somehow being even worse for the environment.

      3 months ago

      This ^

      If it’s better for the environment and doesn’t involve the industrial scale poor treatment and wanton slaughter of animals, AND it tastes just as good, I’d be on-board instantly. Even with a premium price hike for consistency.

      Roll on quality facon, wagu beeef, and octo-chi k en drumsticks.

      I do think that flora missed a trick with vegan, fake meats though…

      “I can’t believe it’s not bacon/ burger/ chicken” they would have slaughtered that ad campaign