lmao I didn’t even notice that 😂
Y’all forgot the anarchists again 😭
The original, unedited meme had “Canadians” as a type of Leftist, don’t put any stock into the list. The punchline works all the same.
I love how Canada is a choice on the left; only because we’re going to elect a greasy weasel as our next PM and so many hillbillies will have that “leopards” moment.
Just to clarify, the US Democrat party isn’t a left wing party, it’s a right wing party. It hasn’t been left wing since Jimmy Carter. We have two right wing parties in the US which often comes as a shock to people who aren’t paying attention.
Also, all of the economic problems you’re experiencing are because of capitalism, not communism.
There’s only five countries in the world that are externally labeled as “communist,” and four of them are in Asia. All five don’t classify themselves as communist.
The term is just a fear-triggering word to trick gullible people into blaming the problems of capitalism on an imaginary boogeyman.
I’m working class.
If one was to be unreasonable: Where do Titoists go? (Asking for a yugoslav friend, hehe)