Sorry if this is controversial, but I’ve heard some people saying (title) and that it’s ironic that after the American government tried so hard to ban the little red book of the cultural revolution from being in everyone’s pockets, now it is in everyone’s pockets again in the form of an app on their phones.

I’m sure the first thing people will say is, it’s a social media app similar to TikTok, which is why Americans are flocking to it in the wake of (and in anticipation of) TikTok’s ban for reasons related to CCP interference. It’s not literally the writings of Mao Zedong, in any way. But I think it’s more of a symbolic idea of what it represents. It’s also very interesting that the first choice of an app to replace TikTok was one that seems even more closely associated with China than TikTok is; I wonder if Red Note actually takes off in America that it will be banned as well otherwise it may have just replaced the perceived problem with another one.

    2 months ago

    …No, it’s a social media app.

    If you’re referring to the title of the book, it’s called “Quotations from Mao Tse-tung”. “Little red book” is an English nickname and Chinese people don’t call it that, so the app name would not be a reference.

      1 month ago

      From relevant Wikipedia page in Chinese: "因为最流行的版本用红色封面包装,文化大革命中通称「红宝书」

      Which translates to: “Because the most popular version had a red cover, it was commonly known as the “Little Red Book” during the Cultural Revolution.”

      Edit: typo