There were not enough time to get anything at all, not even your phone, keys, or wallet, you have nothing besides your clothes and any disability aids (like glasses, hearing aids, etc.). Anything that can’t sustain one hour of burning will be destroyed. All living beings are safe.

Things to thing about: money, sentimental stuff, journals, books, hard drives / digital data, and all of the time and effort you spend organizing your bedroom.

  • Mossy Feathers (She/They)
    24 days ago

    Basically everything. I’d be completely devastated. Unlike many of the people who’ve replied, the things I care about the most can’t be saved from a fire. My plushies, my records, my shirts, my collars, that’ll all burn or will be so smoke or water damaged that they’ll need to be replaced. And some of them can’t be replaced. I have a lot of limited edition stuff that you literally can’t replace without considerable effort.

    Even if they could be replaced, that’s ignoring the emotional attachment that I have with my plushies (as well as one of my collars).