To clarify: I’m obviously going to stay at a job if it pays like 10 times what I normally make. Let’s assume the job just pays average, and the position is just particularly awful even compared to similar ones.

Of course I guess “hating” a job can take many forms… Being in a dead-end job, having toxic managers/coworkers, bad location, etc…

    11 days ago

    It’s very hard to say without actually being in that position, but i guess it would depend on why I hate that job. But I hope it would depend on why I hate the job. Bad manager I could take for a few months but if its for moral or principal reasons I would like to think no. It would of course also be dependent on current financial reasons. Most likely i would stay, as I could live perfectly well a few months without a job, but you never actually know how long until you find a new job.