It’s always the hands
For sure, hands are generally getting better, but they are still a persistent problem. Mostly you need a prompter who isn’t lazy and is actually looking at the outputs.
That would require paying someone to work, which is what they want to eliminate with AI.
Weren’t we all supposed to become “prompt engineers”?
Besides all the arm and hand comments, I noticed the center guy doesn’t have buttons that run all the way down. I’m not sure if this is accurate clothing or not. It just seemed unusual.
Nice catch! I missed that one.
The first thing I check out in AI generated images is the hands. The hands in this ad are nightmare fuel. I can’t believe they still wrnt ahead and published this, lol.
Hands and teeth are usually messed up
Well, maybe the image is real and it’s just people from Bhopal
Funny how AI can’t figure out hands or how people eat spaghetti.
Three of the four arms sticking upwards don’t look like they’re attached to anybody. The one on the far left, that one is obviously attached to the guy there, but whose hand is he holding? That lady next to him? The arm is twisted around. And the two arms on the right side, they look disembodied, like they are props in a group photo. Weird.
Maybe they’re from Bhopal
Next to fine arts college
Hopefully, this isn’t their handiwork…
it doesn’t know how arms work
Should have used controlNet…
The neural network was told to make Asian people but it really wanted to make white people.
Sarcasm aside, I really hate when computer touchers go off into the weeds, throwing dictionaries all the while, about how their favorite treat dispensers can’t have political bias no matter what biases were programmed into them or what biases were in the data fed into them or what is asked of the output by the treat receivers.
Way to out yourself out of nowhere. A scratched liberal will hollar.