A 16-year-old girl has died after she was struck by lightning while hunting with her father in Florida, officials say.
Baylee Holbrook and her father had been hunting on Tuesday when lightning “struck a tree, hitting them,” the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office said.
Her father lost consciousness and when he awoke he found his daughter was not breathing.
He called 911 and began CPR, and the teen was transported to HCA Florida Putnam Hospital in Palatka, where she was stabilized enough to be taken to a trauma center. She had been listed in critical condition on Wednesday.
On Thursday, the sheriff’s office said it learned that Baylee had “peacefully passed away” that morning surrounded by her family.
As awful as this is, why is this news? Uncaused tragedies happen, everyone knows this. Spreading the word about this on the internet is just spreading misery with no recourse.
What exactly is news, to you, if not recent happenings?
People say this drives clicks, but this is exactly the kind if story a local newspaper would have published fifty years ago too.
Clicks is just the modern equivalent of subscriptions. People 50 years ago subscribed to newspapers to see this kind of stuff.
A local newspaper. This is relevant to the people who knew her or live in her community. My heart goes out to her friends and family of course, but she ultimately holds zero relevance to me or the vast majority of people here.
Would you rather see another close-up image of majorie Taylor Greens horse face?
A lot of news here is just weird niche thigs that happens in america
Used to be r/offbeat and not r/news material.
It’s unusual enough to be interesting to people.
Or its a reminder of our mortality, and that anytime something random can happy to cause us to lose our lives. This means we have to use the time we have with greater purpose because we don’t know when it will end. I can allow us to get closer to those we love and let them know it so should something like this happen to us we’ll know they know we loved them.
I’d rather not be reminded of my mortality, thanks.
Yeah, now I’m just sad. I guess it tells people to stop being silly and go inside when there is lightning.
That’s not always an option, especially if you’re in the middle of nowhere and get caught in a storm.
A slightly above average looking white woman died. That gets clicks and is the reason the article exists.
Same reason there are so many stories about missing white women with moderately attractive photos, but you don’t see many for non-white women, men, or less attractive white women.