Restaurant Brands International owns Burger King, Tim Hortons, Popeye’s Chicken, and Firehouse Subs
Fuck RBI, they are lying war profiteers putting tax revenue in the hand of the Kremlin which it uses to fund it’s war of genocide in Ukraine. Do not eat in any of their restaurants
Especially with firehouse subs having such a purpose washed image/mission, you think they’d be smarter.
War profiteer is an interesting way to look at it. If a company doesn’t cut ties with warmonger countries, they are war profiteers ?
They should also get away from US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and most of the “developed” countries that are historically exploiting poor countries ?
They sell fucking burguers, if they manage to not put too much garbage in the food to save money, they are doing enough.
Are you also telling us how much they own of those Burger King franchises in Russia they are supposed to shut down?
They are getting paid 100% of the franchise fees of their Russian businesses.
You don’t own franchise partners by definition. They are individually owned restaurants that pay you a fee to use your brand (name, menu, marketing, etc.).
„Shutting down“ here means: Don’t renew these franchise contracts. The restaurants will continue to exist, but they will have to rebrand and be less lucrative.
but they will have to rebrand and be less lucrative.
And what do you do if those Russian franchise owners refuse to rebrand and continue using the BK name, supplies and signage?
Do you stop providing logistical support? Do you cut them off the BK supply chain (shut that down too) and not provide any new menu items / marketing materials?
Has BK done that?
Yes, obviously you should cut supply lines, duh. Why would you supply products to someone who isn’t paying for them.
So what is burger king doing wrong here?"
Edit: At least 10 people didn’t read the fucking article, BK did cut the supply line. This place is just like Reddit, all hurr durr without reading the article.
They are telling you, literally. They should revoke the branding licence, cut every supply lines, and sue them if they continue using the brand (as they would surely do if I just started to have a Burger King without a licence). They don’t do these things. Which is wrong. And that’s what they are doing wrong.
This is how I know you didn’t read the article.
BK did cut the supply chain logistics. It’s mentioned in the article.
Sue the franchisees? Where? In Russia? In the middle of an economic war with the west? Even if the suit proceeded for some reason, who do you expect the court to rule in favor of?
BK did everything to severe ties. The only thing that remains is to sell their share of the franchise. If they sell now (even if they find a buyer), they likely won’t be paid in anything other than rubles which is useless.
What imaginary supply line are you talking about? Do you think that any food there is not supplied locally? That they import paper wrappings with a logo from the US? Actually the ones probably importing their stuff are sitting in the US, even if it’s just plastic trash from China.
It’s a name. And if they got told not to use it anymore or they just don’t pay anything anymore… what is supposed to happen? Someone goes to Russia and sues them there?
Nothing, because you just hallucinate supply lines. The franchise pays for the fucking name and that’s it. And if they are not allowed to do so anymore, who’s going to Russia and sue the owning oligarchs there?
They continue operating in russia as if everything’s fine.
I thought burger king staying was the punishment
They outrage is such a great example of western exceptionalism. The existence of western consumer businesses in the countries of the non-Aryan jungle is supposed to be an immense benefit to these places and their departure must necessarily be disastrous for them. Nowhere is the idea entertained that Russians are perfectly capable of creating their own shitty burger restaurants to replace those if the west.
It’s like that 80s news footage of the first McDonald’s opening in Moscow where they’re like
”finally those filthy commies get to enjoy our superior Western treats”
Then they interview someone who says it wasn’t really worth it to stand in line and pay so much
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if it was so bad why did the CIA report that the average russians diet was better than compartively an americans?
‘I get to have 8 different brands of pepsi-cola im so free’ isnt a compelling arguement lmao, neither are annecdotes from your neo-liberal scum family.
Vuvuzela 9000 dead. Don’t believe me? My parents used to live under the tyranny of communism and then left after they took their slaves.
Still think communism is cool? Guess again.
listen up kid my dad worked in a european embasy and he said the people we bombed where poor so think again COMMIE about how many freeDOMS we have as a result of our rape of the third world
Man it’s a good thing homeless people in America get to enjoy all that choice!
Well, if you need to compare a diplomat to a homeless person, then that is a pretty big self own.
In what way?
Give me a break. No system is perfect and the discussion isn’t about perfection vs horror. It’s about a series of tradeoffs and the tradeoffs done in the west broadly resulting in better outcomes, on average, for the population there than they did in the Soviet Union. For China nowadays, I’m less certain. Definitely in the big Tier 1 cities, life is on par with Western outcomes, for some better for some worse.
I’m just saying, it’s ironic to use that example of a diplomat as opposed to how many people live paycheck to paycheck barely able to make ends meet or are actually homeless, I doubt those people are crying in joy when they walk into a Walmart
I think you’ve missed my point entirely - that could be my fault.
The example illustrates that even for those well-connected enough in the Soviet Union the sight of a western supermarket was enough to make them weep (this was ‘88).
I brought this example up to address the false belief that people in Russia weren’t all that impressed with western products (like McDonalds) back when the Soviet Union existed.
I don’t know how you’re managing to connect that with how people live today and their experience of walking into Walmart.
Finally, this didn’t take place in Harrods but in ICA in Sweden. Hardly a luxury shop - just an average supermarket.
The idea of communism (extremely simplified) everyone has the means to live and people at “the top” don’t get special privilege on that, obviously almost all actual implementations turn into dictatorships so the point is somewhat moot, however the fact a well connected diplomat in a communist country had to live in the same conditions as other non-well connected people would be a positive, not a negative, they’d see and hopefully be able to improve the lives of everyone as they understand what it’s like.
Compare that to a majority of the rich and powerful in America, they’re so ridiculously disconnected from the average experience that they literally do not understand at all what it’s like for those with less.
Better outcome is when everyone is homeless and dies from preventable diseases due to unaccessible healthcare, BUT they have a choice of 50 different shampoos.
And the horror is when everyone has a roof, is educated, in good health, but has to munch on the disgusting government provided nutritious food. 😡
When even a Russian diplomat has less options than an American homeless person, it should tell you enough.
This is unironically funny as hell. Great copypasta, I’ll add it to my collection.
Well, there’s no use sitting here arguing about this, is there. I know the truth hurts, so it’s easy to reject.
What sort of nonsense response is that? Anyone can poop out any anecdote they like to support their position and say “I know it hurts so it’s easy to reject”.
Who’s truth?
And that Soviet lady’s name? Albert Einstein!
Liberal theory is just bullshit anecdotes on top of bullshit anecdotes.
You’re missing the point. For BK to operate in Russia means dollars flowing into Russia, because BK needs to buy Rubles. Dollars that Russia needs to buy arms on the international market, because nobody is accepting Rubles.
Except BK is an American company. They wouldn’t operate in Russia if they weren’t making a profit. So their net effect is to have money flowing out of Russia.
This is true. However, if I owned BK, I’d see this as an amazing business strategy, although a quite unethical one (but as we can see, multi million+ dollar companies aren’t the most ethical either way). I mean, now the literal government has an interest for it to stay in business, they may even start to promote the brand.
Many words considering no point.
Let them.
Don’t be upset
Commies say the dumbest shit
Capital Scum doing capitalist scum shit.
Yeah, they should only operate in good countries, like the US.
And Israel
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Imperialism: good
Slavery: good (when in prison or countries that I can’t find on a map)
Burger King in Russia: moral outrage
Libs rock
unironically saying Russia is the victim of imperialismYeah that checks out.
Fails at basic reading comprehension
Now that does check out
Hotel California
You can check out any time you like but you can never leave
Wow wow wow you got it in one amazing job
I mean he’s not wrong, out of all the things to try and start an outrage about, this is just dumb.
They ARE wrong though. They’re acting like we’re only getting mad about one thing at a time. What kind of smug asshole goes on the internet to peddle moral superiority over strawmen?
It’s moreso that the emphasis on issues is very often skewed by MSM to the stuff that matters a lot less, and then the normies all get in an outrage. Does it really matter if BK is still in Russia? They’re not actively working with the Russian military right? The money is flowing out to the glorious USA BK hq no?
You just admitted you are a lib. A powerful self-own.
Yea I too like to infantilize people I dislike, this makes me feel super smug and superior.
You did it to yourself
Oh no. Some myopic hexbear reject goons want to call me a lib. How ever will I go on living.
Lib gonna lib.
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when you see right, support that, when you see wrong, fight that. simple.
I’m already trying my best to bring about the US’ demise! C’mon!
There has been a lot of debate on this. Is it cruel and unusaul punishments. Have the russiand done things so bad to deserve burger king. only time will tell.
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Lmao westerners having a totally normal one over the lack of loyalty of a slop-house to the divinely-ordained imperial cause.
Capitalists gonna capitalise!
Putin isn’t chowing down on BK, neither are the oligarchs, or the heads of the army, the FSB, or so on.
What’s the point of making sure BK leaves the market except and ineffectual attempt to hurt ordinary Russians?
Honestly, BK should just leave. Russians or as a matter of fact no one deserves to eat that “food”.
I remember when the sanctions started and Western fast food, media, and social media were all pulling out. Someome quipped “oh no, Russians will be the healthiest and happiest people on the planet. How awful.”
Mfw when no pizza hut
Then they just kept the same fast food joints but changed the names after the franchise exits
I don’t even understand how the hell burger King is alive to this day. There’s 2 burger kings in my city, both on the same road and I’ve never seen anyone in line at either of them.
Like are we even sure burger King isint some psy op or something? Does anyone even remember the last time they were in one?
BK staying is the punishment
also if they left then the burger kings in russia would just stay open. It is not a complicated business to copy when you already have the equipment and staff. It’s as simple as continuing to sell burgers
Burger king could end it’s francisee relationships but the burger shop is already in russia
I think the narrative these people are trying to push is that these companies get dollars flowing into Russia, they buy roubles, and Russia uses the dollars on the international weaponry market. I don’t get why this would be a problem, since Microsoft still does the same shit I assume (most Russians definitely use Windows)
The main purpose is to create a sentiment of dissatisfaction for the current government
Edit: I am just pointing out their purpose, it doesn’t mean that I share their view boyz
Is it effective? Especially since McD’s leaving the country has just resulted in the Russian suppliers and restaurant owners running the place on their own with the same recipes.
Are the Russian people going to be angry at the lack of clown/king related branding?
Are the Russian people going to be angry at the lack of clown/king related branding?
I point to things like Aunt Jemima or something and tell you I can see how this might seem like it works to the US
that’s because Americans just want to be angry at each other about something. Ultimately the American obsession with culture war stupid bullshit comes from the fact that the American constitution is an objectively stupid foundation for a country and its checks and balances prevent any actual politics from getting done so to differentiate themselves politicians have to focus on nonsense
this has also effected other countries that have too much american news
I don’t really know a way forward other than just getting rid of the United states as a legal framework and starting a new country entirely from scratch there is really nothing salvageable about the way american democracy is structured and it needs a redesign from the ground up
Russians are going to be so angry about no Burger King they’ll do a 1917 on Putin for sure.
Without American fast food, Russians will have to resort to eating rotten maggot-infested meat. It will be like a million Battleship Potemkins all at once.
Like the time I overthrew my government when my favorite pizza joint closed.
I’m just going to point out here the lockdown protests
IDK I would be pretty happy if shitty body-ruining fast food and proprietary Spyware like Microsoft left my country, I would like my shitty neofascist government sliiiightly more (I am Italian, sadly) if instead of sucking on uncle Sam’s hairy balls they would kick harmful corpos out
Well, it’s about economics, not hurting ordinary russians. Doing business in russia gives them money, which helps them pay for the war. It’s as simple as that.
It is about economics. If Burger King leaves Russia, they’re still leaving the restaurants, distribution networks and the employees behind. They’re not going to sit idle just because the brand left, rather they’re going to keep going under a new name, just like how McDonald’s did.
What effect does that have on the Russian war effort? None.
But Burger King sells to Russians and repatriates some of its profits back to the US. If BK leaves Russia then Russians will spend their money on other restaurants, presumably ones which do not send profits overseas (due to the sanctions) which paradoxically means more money staying in Russia.
If the restaurants close then there will be some momentary unemployment but there’s a war going on so unemployment helps smooth over manpower issues. That’s also ignoring the possibility of a Russian entity stepping into BK’s shoes like they did with McD’s and just running the place without the trademarks.
I don’t see any purpose beyond moral posturing.
They don’t even have to respect trademarks anymore because of how much Russia is sanctioned. They can just keep running their own Burger King with the only difference being that the real BK won’t see any profits and the money will stay inside Russia.
Worst case scenario for the west is that the Russians just rename the chain “Burger Tsar” or something and continue as normal. Russians still get their treats, BK gets no money.
they wouldn’t even have to stop calling it burger king
Who the fuck cares who is still open in Russia. Theres plenty of companiess still open in Israel where’s the outrage over that?
So you say I should ignore all the injustice in the world just because I cannot care about all of them?
That’s just stupid
why can’t you care about all of them. Also how is burger king selling burgers injustice?
You know you can care about multiple things at once, right?
Ah, classic case of whataboutism. Go troll somewhere else.
Uhh you’re on my server dummy
Classic Russian whataboutism
I do love me some Tchaikovsky
They didn’t change their name like McDonald’s? No principles smh
Burger Tzar
You have got to try their condom pizzas. The condoms mimic the texture of cheese!
Slow news day I assume?
No news means good news. Maybe that’s just me being pessimistic tho.
Continuing to bring the most meh fries in the fast food industry to the fair people of Povarovo
when mcdonalds pulled out they just didn’t close the mcdonalds. The buildings and people who work in the mcdonalds were already in Russia there is literally no reason they can’t just stay open
Renamed to McBlyat, serving Big Pickle with Coca Vodka now.
I am almost aure they just nationalized the building and it keeps operating, although with a different menu as McDonald’s no longer imports the ingredients. At least they don’t make money out of it.
If I go to my local McD’s anything I buy there will be made right here in Norway, and I assume it’s the same in Russia and basically any other country they’re in.
Don’t like it, don’t go there. Tell them why.
Personally I’m boycotting them. Not because of any moral justification, but because they sell overpriced disappointing mulch.
Literally worst fast food joint and the only people I’ve met who claim otherwise have objectively bad taste.
Like no joke, objectively, “I love a butter and cheese sandwich on wonderbread”, British, wouldn’t know flavor if it ripped their tongue out.
I have to make my own burgers now. Most places serve fast food swill, and the only nice place has switched to brioche buns.
Brioche buns are not load bearing buns! They fall apart at the slightest contact with moisture. I will die on this hill forever.
I dunno man, the brioche buns i make hold up well. To each their own i guess
Surely most untoasted buns will fall apart if dealing with anything outside of a basic burger?
If you use a small, cheap bun, you can’t expect toppings to not break it apart.
Dying on a hill forever sounds really painful. Ouch.
As opposed to dying in a valley forever, totally painless.
I’m curious about dying on a hill temporarily though.
You rank BK as worse than McDonald’s? I only ask cause I’ve worked at both, and I would put McDonald’s just the tiniest bit lower than BK. Wendy’s is barely better than both BK and McDonald’s.
McDonalds has good fries and the McFlurry. Bk has zero redemption.
Back when i used to have fast food, I liked BK over McD because i preferred their fries and i liked their jalapeño poppers.
Here he is boys, the psychopath who prefers BK fries
McD fries are too soft and when they get cold they are absolute garbage. They almost seem soggy, without getting wet. BK have a crunch to them. At least this is the case in the UK.
Not going to say they’re good, but it is wild as fuck how much of a difference franchises can make. There are several BKs in my city, but a select few are owned by a different franchise than the majority of the others. Their food is WAY better, consistently, than the others, and it’s usually a lot fresher tasting.
True that. Forgot about the Mcflurry. Probably cause the machine was down
I sent my sister a bottle of fry sauce that she’s been trying to find for years (she never thought to check Amazon lol), this is what she sends me back. Told her she was supposed to use it to enhance good food, not make terrible food tolerable.
just finished
Bitch that “food’s” barely been touched
And yet they invented the sticky toffee pudding. Two extremes