X (Twitter) to soon begin charging $1 annual subscription in order to tweet and interact.
Next move must be to charge users deleting their accounts $1. And Elon can sell your data to make more money.
Sounds more like a way to ID everyone on the platform. And perhaps normalize this practice for other platforms going forward.
Quick access to massive credit card info as well. Micro step to “the everything app”?
Yeah this is a high possibility.
People might think he’s just a bad businessman, but I think they’re overlooking the fact that he’s an evil businessman relentlessly pursuing his dreams of dictatorship based off of actual dictatorships… that is also very bad at business.
Somehow I doubt this credit card info will stay un-hacked for very long…
TIL my identity is worth $1 a year.
No, your identity is worth negative $1. You’re paying to give it away. He didn’t offer $1 to get it.
I’m gonna call it. This is an (obvious) attempt to squeak in monetization for everyone on twitter that is as unobjectionable as possible, and once everyone’s locked in the price will increase, and tiers will be introduced, etc etc., and it’s going to work. Nobody still on twitter is gonna care about $1/year to keep access. They’ll lap it up and thank Musk for the opportunity to be fleeced.
Musk could still fuck it up by being overly greedy and ramping up too much too fast like he tried to do last year (or this year? I’ve lost track), but I’d say this has reasonable odds of working out.
Elon simps are already going “lol $1 i literally paid more than that for my coffee”
and then the capitalism admirers: “I don’t have problem to pay for a good service. What do you people think? Isn’t it costly to run a good service?”
Yeah except that the spammers already have blue checkmarks. They’re already paying.
for everyone on twitter that is as unobjectionable as possible, and once everyone’s locked in the price will increase, and tiers will be introduced, etc etc., and it’s going to work.
I’m not so sure about that. The internet is littered with companies that gave away their product for free hoping users would pay for premium features. When they didn’t and the companies then had to charge a minimum entry fee for everyone, people dropped the product. There’s a barrier to putting in your credit card. Lots of people just aren’t interested.
There are also a whole lot of governmental, health and official bodies where putting through an invoice is a real pain in the bum. It forces a decision whereas previously if had been a simple business as usual process
You’re definitely right about that being the general result to these sorts of moves, but I don’t think it’ll apply as harshly to this situation. Like I said, anyone still on the site has already faced numerous insults and abuse at the hands of Musk. They want to be there despite all of that, or maybe even because of it. I do think a $1/month or something higher would be pretty likely to fail, but $1/year is such a low-level ask and will gently push the users there past the barrier to where the price can be raised higher later.
$1/year is such a low-level ask and will gently push the users there past the barrier to where the price can be raised higher later.
The amount being asked isn’t the barrier I’m referring to. Twitter could be charging one penny, and they’d still lose this particular group. Consumers have been burned by entering a credit card for a low or free trial only later to discover sudden fees they couldn’t get refunded. The only protection is to not give your credit card.
Not really. I was working with the communications department of a large local authority in London recently. They use Twitter/X as a broadcast medium for public snnouncements via Hootsuite. I don’t think they had noticed any disruption at all. Similarly with Public Health and the NHS
Musk wants Twitter to become a ‘platform for everything’. Having a payment system in place everyone uses already is key for that.
Not going to say that this is a good idea, but thats the rational.
I think he’s expecting a tax break from twitter
deleted by creator
We should probably stop devoting news cycles to this manchild and his vanity pet projects.
Honestly I want this covered. Elon is a toddler who’s never been told “no” and he can’t stand not having all the attention on him. As long as he’s throwing his toys and sticking his fingers into light sockets, burning every bridge he’s ever
builtbought to keep himself in the headlines, I don’t mind spurring him on. Let everyone see how smart he is.
I’m gonna continue my run of not giving Elon Musk a fucking cent.
Unfortunately, if you’re a U.S. taxpayer, you’ve given him a lot of your cents whether you want to or not in the form of subsidies for Tesla and SpaceX.
Some of my cents. I wouldn’t say a lot of my cents.
I’m doing mediocre financially but it’s not that bad.
Are we sure this man understands business?
He purposefully is destroying it to prevent the poor from organizing.
We can just organize on open platforms like mastodon instead!
Yeah we’re fucked lol
You are overselling Twitter if you think Twitter can do that.
I mean, idk how it is after the musk take over but twitter used to be a legitimate tool for political organizing. Iirc they used it a lot during the Hong Kong protests and it was a driving factor during the Arab spring. Free communication for the masses helps in these situations, especially in an otherwise state controlled media environment.
twitter is/was not doing that on purpose but twitter had been used for political organizing and quick news spreading during mass protests in multiple countries. There are cases that it was the main means of communication of the people protesting bypassing censorship or downplay of the local news agencies.
What’s stopping him from just pulling the plug if that’s his goal?
He lost so much money, and he is badly in debt. His wealth is still on bloated Tesla stock, which he cannot sell without destroying the company value. Business genius.
A lot of us are sure that he doesn’t. He is a very skilled con man though.
Im fairly sure hes intentionally destroying twitter
Well he has millions of sycophants that would fucking kill someone of Elon asked them too.
It’s the exact same gift Trump has been pulling off, except instead on constantly begging for donation, hes just “selling” features on twitter.
That’s such a bizarre amount of money it’s not enough to dissuade scammers and it’s not really expensive enough for anyone to care about, except in principle.
He really is a massive twat isn’t he.
and it’s not really expensive enough for anyone to care about, except in principle.
That’s why. Because once people spend some money, they’ll be less likely to object to paying more later.
I’m not really opposed to spending money to access social media in general (although even before Musk took over, Twitter in particular could get lost) but if I pay money they have to promise to not advertise at me, or sell my data, otherwise what am I paying for?
Living. They are just disguising it as the new Jones.
Two reasons:
He wants Twitter to be his ‘everything app’ and the next step in that process is making it a bank.
He wants to sell people’s personal data.
Full name. Address. Phone number. Credit Card details.
He wants them on his platform asap.
Once that hook catches it’s hard to take out.
WTB 1 personal data.
He doesn’t need to charge anything to sell people’s data though? They certainly already do that, no? If anything, this would just cause people to leave, meaning less data to sell.
Not to sell their financial data.
So you think Elon is making people pay for Twitter so he can sell their credit card numbers?
Yes, absolutely. It’s not just a credit-card number, it’s personal data tied to your entire Twitter history. He’ll sell your personal data to advertisers and assorted crooks who can then target you based on what you tweet, search, view, and so on.
Where’s he selling credit card numbers, the dark net?
He’s not literally selling credit card numbers. If he introduces a “Pay with X” service, then Twitter has a ton of new info about purchasing habits to link with Twitter activity that will make the platform more desirable for advertisers. The $1/year is to get the payment info in there so users are more likely to choose it out of convenience. It might also reduce bot activity, which is how it’s being pitched at the moment.
deleted by creator
Free speech was never about companies hosting your content but yeah, rip Twitter
It’d be real cool if folks would just stop using Twitter. You can live without it, y’all.
It isnt worth that.
Musk: “can I have a dollar, please”
And he claims he’s a billionaire.
For once, the money is genuinely not the point, from any point of view.
The stated purpose, and I think it will accomplish this, is that no one running a bot network will pay this for their bots, so spam reduction.
The likely ultimate purpose is to have the user’s payment info saved to reduce friction for giving Twitter money later on.
The problem though is that they’re adding this friction on to the beginning, so as a result I think the most prominent actual effect is going to be 80% of free users (real ones) are gonna kill it then and there.
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OC is talking about bot farms with 20,000 or 50,000 accounts.
Right. So to get boosted or to spread disinformation will become more expensive. the operating costs for bot farms will go up, squeezing out small players. Boosting and propaganda won’t go away, it will just be controlled by governments and oligarchs.
deleted by creator
How long before they go bankrupt?
Downvote Musk spam.
The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring him and his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle. Don’t be a useful idiot.
deleted by creator
It’s funny how this is becoming spam of its own right.
Between schadenfreude and people genuinely wanting to know what to say when they tell other people to stop associating with Elon, I can see valid reasons to keep this in the news cycle.
Someone posts spam
Me: “Please stop posting spam”
You: hUr DuR, aCtShUaLlY yOuRe ThE sPaMmEr
This is exactly the type of useful idiot that helps billionaire Elon Musk stay in the news every single day.
Much like a lot of things in life, perhaps we’re all spamming.
Billionaires can spam a lot harder than anyone else. Wake up and stop being a useful idiot.
I’m perfectly awake.
What, exactly, is wrong with me wanting to know what the useful idiot in charge of Twitter is doing, so if someone asks me about it, I have answers?
Yeah but Elon owns a fucking social media platform.
Elon would like to leak your personal information to anyone who is willing to pay his price, please.
And he will do that for you at the low price of only $1. Better do it now before the price goes up.
So if I pay $1, I can read your tweets? Pass.
Right. I really need to delete my sleeping twitter account.
Guys how would you keyword block X?
This was his plan all along, you can’t /s
Block “formerly Twitter”, it might help for a time
Blocking ‘Elon Musk’ often works.