The F150 EV is not exactly a success.
The F150 EV is not exactly a success.
3,878 fuglytruks is the apparently the entire fleet. That is the really big story here. The fuglytruk is a flop. Nobody wants an 80k rust bucket.
For good reasons. Besides being a huge ongoing expense, they frequently end up amplifying the erosion, and would almost certainly degrade the public beaches adjacent to these houses.
" local citizens came together to take the necessary steps to protect their homes." - the steps they took were obviously not the necessary steps, instead they were unnecessary and in fact idiotic.
The Town of Salisbury did not ‘grapple with sea rise’. An ad hoc association, Salisbury Beach Citizens for Change, basically the owners of multi-million dollar absurdly situated beach front homes, blew 500,000 dollars on one wall of a giant sand castle.
Except of course anyone can manufacture and sell plug compatible pipes.
I started out in the computer industry working for a company that reverse engineered and built IBM compatible terminal systems, This was more than 40 years ago, when that was its own large and profitable sector of the computer hardware market. It was absolutely legal to build ‘plug compatible’ reverse engineered third party systems. DRM is almost entirely horseshit that has helped turn the entire tech industry into silo’d enshittified monopolies.
Capitalism and neoliberal globalization is great as long as your capitalist organizations are dominating the system. But that inevitably results in the emergence of other competitive capitalist organizations. Then it’s back to trade barriers, and when that fails, military conflict.
Yeah, which made them just fabulous for our favorite use for them at the time: driving around drinking. Pack that bug full of teen agers smoking and drinking and freezing and basically getting CO poisoning until somebody got sick and we all had to do an emergency exit drill.
Cops have always had a habit of killing the homeless. Also they have a habit of killing the homed. Thanks to qualified immunity in the USA, a cop just has to feel threatened, not actually be threatened, to justify the use of deadly force.
Yeah when I saw the pictures with all the white 3s, I guessed they were hertz rentals used by ride share drivers (because hertz is renting them at really low rates) who either don’t know much about their cars or deliberately run them down to near zero to max their fares.
The 60s era vws were notorious for never managing to produce any cabin heat.
You can list all the current loaded drivers. You can examine the system event log for service start operations. You can run with a kernel debugger attached and examine any loaded driver. The driver itself is likely correctly signed and will not require additional user acknowledgement beyond what was given when the game was installed.
This is part of the ‘EV apocalypse’ FUD campaign.
AFAICT one super charging site in Chicago had more than one non-functional chargers. Why they were not functioning is not known. Quite a few Teslas queued up there in the cold and some of them ran their batteries down to zero. Each regurgitation of the this event has the same pictures of the same cars at the same place.
It is a fact that EV range decreases with cold, and that decrease can be significant. Drivers unaware of this, and who don’t monitor their battery levels, can indeed find themselves effectively ‘out of gas’.
We need much better urban charging infrastructure. Street level L2 charging should be ubiquitous, and that can be easily achieved using the existing street level power line infrastructure.
Shocking just about nobody, this bullshit went from ‘but the children!!!’ to full anti-trans authoritarianism. What’s up next you nazi fucks?
Look at it this way: industrialized warfare required capitalism.
intelligent swarms of lethal drones are the near future battlefield. Also they will be deployed shortly afterwards by the police.
There is zero need to revive SSTs. We need to focus on slow transport using renewable energy.
where ‘asked’ == ‘ordered’. WTF BBC.
Every now and then Lemmy has an actual discussion like this that gives me hope that it can become more than just an idiotic link aggregator. Thanks!
Who could each individually sell of any profitable assets, lay-off their employees, and enshittify their operations in search of shareholder value. Excellent plan.