A bizarre racist outburst at a Texas school board isn’t an isolated event — it’s part of a national pattern
this is how it is for some people when there are non-white characters in movies, they consider it “pushing an agenda” when there’s nothing like that happening. it’s like they think people of other races just… don’t exist? therefore they should not be in movies? i don’t really get it
Replace “do not exist” with “should not exist” and you are right on
There are only two races, white and political
Because there is nothing to get besides racism. The very very few edge cases out there where race mattered and was miscast never get mentioned because usually the person who did it wrong says sorry and there is no story. You are giving the enemy too much credit.
And yes I don’t think she was miscast in Annihilation. The second book came out after they started making the movie (which is when that one line about her facial features was put in) and the fact that she had partial Asian ancestry wasn’t plot important in any of the 3 books.
My problem is the race switching. It is so stupid and is done in stories already told. There are tons of stories that have not been told about the race you are race swapping with. Why can’t we tell their stories instead.
Or when they put random people of colour in historical dramas. I get that they need to somehow include actors of all origins, but I can’t help but feel like it’s also a kind of white washing? Like, sorry but a black person would not be a noble at the Louis XIV court, how about you actually talk about what history was like from that perspective rather than just shoehorning the actors and pretend like everything was fine and dandy for people of colour in those days.
Even disregarding all bigotry and racism that this screams of, it’s dumb af because kids can be friends with FUCKING rocks. It’s pretty much their superpower.
Rocks, butterflies, smear on the window or imaginary. But a different skin colour? Oh my gosh, never!
I know a kid who had pill bug friends in 7th grade… 🤓
Banning rocks next.
Wow what a shocker. Just saying the quiet part out loud. At least they’re consistent in their racism.
thats not new at all, I remember there being traces of that still in everyday interactions as a kid. Theres nothing new about the hate they are spewing, thats what makes it extra vile to me.
it is just a lot more in the open now. And sadly most of people I know genuinely side with right most out of believe that it is the more neutral or agenda free stance.
Then those people are stupid as fuck. No way around it.
Tell me again why they aren’t nazis
I mean, some of them are. Many of them are nazi-lite. They get upset if you point it out, though. A lot of them probably believe they are fine upstanding patriots. A few can be talked to, and some can even change, but most just dig in deeper, so the problem doesn’t seem likely to go away; it seems to be getting worse.
I’m ok for removing nazi-lite at the same time as nazi, though.
It is now woke to be in the same room as another race.
Add it to the list.
Hey, can we start calling things they like woke? Like Jesus Trump and church and flags n stuff? I bet we can destroy this word by just stealing it back.
Jesus was woke AF by their own loose definition of the word.
Radical compassionate homeless asexual socialist. He’s woke af. I’m not a 100% sure on what woke is yet but I’m certain Jesus is woke.
Mary Magdalene might’ve disagreed.
They could have been bible study buddies 😂
Trump voters would’ve been the Romans crucifying Jesus because he was “disrespecting Roman authority” at the time and being a nuisance.
I think the MAGAs would’ve been the Jewish establishment in your analogy, while the Romans would’ve merely been “enlightened centrist” liberals who didn’t really give a shit but wanted to keep order.
They are definitely turning on Jesus and have been for quite some time now. There is an interesting statement from the former head of SBC wherein he states churchgoers are finding Jesus’ supposed teachings as being too woke and part of a liberal agenda. Can’t make this up. It was only a matter of time.
But Jesus also didn’t like mixing. That is why he instructed the apostles and other adherents to never teach gentiles and Samaritans. That was retconned years later by the church because they said people had visions of a resurrected jesus commanding them to mix with gentiles. But for a while there it was very much a racial/ethno in-group only. That is why Jesus supposedly stated he taught in parables; so gentiles wouldnt understand what he was talking about and find salvation. That is what Matthew 13:11-17 is about.
People need to stop characterizing Jesus as some socialists woke advocate like I see in this thread. His character wasn’t. He didn’t preach universal love and compassion, and he taught contradictory messages about pacifism probably because dozens of people created this character over centuries.
I honestly think people want to think the religion can’t be that bad and that the adherents are just awful.
Many scholars believe that the reason they were told to not preach to Samaritans and Gentiles was that his disciples were not ready to face cross cultural rejection. This is because of their earlier exposure to this rejection by Samaritans in which they wanted to respond by fire and brimstone. Jesus rebuked this response then. Later on, he instructs them to make disciples of all nations.
The passages in Matthew are referring to those that do not listen to his teachings (by choice), not the Gentiles. He’s saying they will not receive his blessings if they do not listen and learn from his teachings.
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Lol! I was born in Ukraine, my best friend was born in Venezuela.
What a bunch of crap.
I’m mixed and I get along pretty well with myself. Suck it Texas.
This is my favorite part about racists worrying about white people becoming a minority. It’s only because they don’t consider mixed kids as their progeny. Your “white” genes aren’t being murdered by “black” genes inside your grandaughter. They’re both just kinda in there and that’s fine.
You can’t explain this to these people.
Four indictments on Donald Trump and they still think it’s a conspiracy.
Fuck these racist bigots
My wife tells me she thinks that I am being over dramatic when I say we need to start thinking about exit strategies for fleeing the US, and then stuff like this pops up.
You’re not being overdramatic. I’ve been thinking about an exit since 2020. I plan to have it figured out in advance of the next election so that I can flip a switch and go. Don’t wait for disaster. Have an exit decided and hope you don’t need it.
Thats not “anti woke” thats just racism dumb ass
To be fair, racism is absolutely one of the core values of anti woke ideology.
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Bears deserve better than to be associated with these freaks.
Freaks deserve better than to be associated with these… entities.
There is a good argument to be made for grinding right wingers up for compost to grow flowers.
If anyone didn’t see this coming then they’re beyond deluded.
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