I sure did. And I was looking forward to feedback from fellow Unix / Linux nerds. What a shame.
Actually got a chuckle out of me when I saw the truck go over the overpass.
Tell your boss that the time when you aren’t at work is the time when you do “the rest of my life.” Tell them that your schedule is already very full and that what free time you do have is for downtime for resting and recuperating from the things that keep you busy. Politely but firmly let them know that you need to pursue work during work time.
Holy shit.
M3 Ultra chip with 32-core CPU, 80‑core GPU, 32-core Neural Engine, 512 RAM
Still a ton of money, but I’m salivating. M4 is only Max at this point, but now I’m dreaming about what that might become.
I wonder if this will be the game plan going forward, with the Ultra chip lagging by a year. Seems a likely cadence.
I have a ~/.dotfiles/functions/
directory full of bash
functions that do all sorts of handy things. I also have an alias to re-source
my shell set to src
to make changes to everything speedy, which the author should do something similar. Here’s the contents, from which you can suss some of what they do:
cd die funcinfo kbase mkcd prinfo rule spinner
cdd duc gcl lkp myip psh rulem szh
cdf durh getip lsp oscheck rederr server szup
console fk hgr lspx pfetch rmhost shc usage
count fp int mcat phed.sh rotl shebang version
date fpr j2 menu phpserver rotr shgrep xcpx
, for example, creates a new file with a header () and then two carriage-returns in
so I can start a new script from the cli.
All of these are something I thought would be useful at the time I created them, even if I only rely on a small number daily. Some of them are relied upon when scripting and never used at the cli independently. I started doing this when reading Pro Bash Programming, by Chris F. A. Johnson.
That’s a valid and useful thought.
Avoid news. Turn off internet. Literally, stop looking for like two weeks. The difference is palatable. I’ve used this technique a handful of times over the years.
Guess I’ll be fucked later in life.
I believe you need to gas the place three times to fully eradicate them.
Then-Sheriff Lee Baca defended OIR’s right to do its work, but he also elevated a second-in-command, Paul Tanaka, who belonged to one of the deputy gangs that wreaked havoc in the county jails. After an informant scandal erupted that would eventually send both men to federal prison, Jim McDonnell was elected as sheriff in 2014. As former chief of the Long Beach Police Department, McDonnell was a relative outsider to LASD. But he campaigned on a promise to clean house, and entered with a mandate for reform. (McDonnell, who is now the chief of LAPD, elected not to respond to a request for comment.)
I recommend the following site on the matter of sheriffs with too much power and not enough checks and balances:
And the podcast series A Tradition of Violence re: sheriff gangs.
I wonder what the numbers are after that awful meeting. We are a terrible people.
If I had visual artistic talent, I could. But I don’t so won’t try.
I cut ties with my mother for voting for the orange-bad again. I still love her, but I have friends who are directly targeted by that shitbag and she knows it. Do whatever you think necessary. I’m sorry that you’ve maybe lost a friend.
My partner is experiencing mobility issues. Not terrible, but not great, given that we originally bonded over shared hikes. It took a lot of years and many failed relationships and many strike-outs to get here, but we’re very happy. So, just don’t give up. Good luck!
Edit: strikethrough on “just” because it minimizes the experience and it’s actually quite challenging.
A particle on an object.
I worked with a guy who was taking roids to bulk up. He once ate three sandwiches on his lunch break. I am not suggesting that you do the same. It’s just the only thing I have as a point of reference.
Search for sites about muscle building, probably.
There’s no way that I burn the same amount of energy sitting on my ass as I would running a marathon. Maybe I misunderstood, but I think this is obviously wrong.
We are so lost.
A ton of people who are unhoused work regular jobs by day and sleep in their car by night. 25% is completely plausible to me. You act as though they’re all degenerates.