Essentially, I want us to sound like cavemen.
I’ll start:
HomesliceAbe was playing Mario kart and HomesliceAbe’s dad couldn’t think of name of one of courses (HomesliceAbe thinks name was "Moonview Highway?). HomesliceAbe’s dad called course “Homeslice Highway” and HomesliceAbe thought new name was hilarious. Also, HomesliceAbe is big fan of Abraham Lincoln.
am girl
What is girl?
Lies. Girls myth. Me never seen.
Though girl might send. Girl might be horny too.
no, didn’t ask for this just by existing as girl, fuck off
Have nice day too. ❤️
Just name. Boring. Add magik! No more boring
pizza like pizza
Take wool, don’t pay.
Init is program computer start that start computer. Computer use Lemmy to start init. Now init start Lemmy too
Nurufu like Assassination Classroom. Koro-sensei have funny laugh. Make good name
Fwow13 > Fwow12
donuts good. donuts fun. donuts make happy. (donuts not healthy, maybe avoid.)
10y ago. Was hobby artist. Looked at personal gallery. Painted many fairies at time. Many fairy blue.
ioabmfuscated is obfuscated
Looked at birth name. Took first letters. Added trademark - distinguishes from others because original. Became EccTM.
*shakes fist at random dubai toastmaster group on birdsite for using EccTM too*
deleted by creator
Mental image horror
Try to push code to remote repositories. Make typo. Command doesn’t work. Get annoyed. Repeat gazillion times