• TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Oh wow, the US state department was mediating with Ukrainian politicians during a revolution, very cia, much wow. The implication that the US State department somehow has billions of dollars to

    … to balkanise Russia. Here is something USA does not want you to know. https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2022/02/01/dick-cheney-us-goal-break-up-russia/

    USA mediation is not needed anywhere in the world. Everywhere USA has mediated, they have committed terrorism and leeched the country dry. USA was the basis for Hitler’s racial segregation policies, and USA has intervened or toppled governments of over 100 countries.

    I have friends in Syria that know the horrors of USA committing terrorism, and friend in Palestine currently seeing what Israel on behest of USA and Europe is doing to their leftover land.

    I know some stuff from Russians and ex-Soviet country people, that the Russians did want me to know, and did not want to hide. For example, CIA’s failed coup in 2003 with Orange protests, and the success in 2013 later.

    On the other hand, USA wanted to hide from me how there were biolabs in Ukraine on Russia’s borders, meant to commit bioterrorism in Russia, or how there was CIA involvement in Orange or Euromaidan, or how Ukraine’s National Guard and establishment was controlled by Nazis, how the deaths of 14,000 people from 2013 upto 2022 was NOT Kremlin propaganda, or how Uyghur genocide was entirely CIA propaganda meant to invent a new wave of Mujahideen terrorists in East Asia, or how 2019 Hong Kong riots were essentially created and fueled by CIA. USA is also hiding their “military aid” and troops to Taiwan, like the “peacekeepers” they are sending to Israel to finish Palestine. Meanwhile, the “bad guys” Iran, Russia, and militant groups are defending Palestine against Zionist terrorists.

    Looking at your video link will not mean much to begin with, since people like you follow the same script to justify USA’s “mediation” despite it, without any exception in history, being the source of terrorism and/or genocide and/or economic colonisation in every single instance ever. USA’s mediation never has had any nuance, and them being in war for 232 out of 247 years of their existence is proof of that.

    • Justin@lemmy.jlh.name
      1 year ago

      You have a very bad understanding of geopolitics and how revolutions work, and you’re parroting anti-US propaganda pushed by REAL fascists and authoritarians.

      I never claimed that the US and their allies are altruistic peacekeepers (nor are the US and its various admistrations monoliths), but Jesus christ, come back to reality.

      • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        you’re parroting anti-US propaganda pushed by REAL fascists and authoritarians.

        This is all I need to know. I know who you are calling the fascists and who you think the “free democracy” is. Have a good one. Hope you get employed by the CIA for some real money.

          • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            I get paid in XiPutinBucks. They come to my home and give me sacks of gold coins every month. Unfortunately, you can only dream of kissing the bottom of boots at Washington and Brussels.