Looking for those games that you may have heard about but never tried until you got a Deck. Or old games on systems you never had that you’re trying for the first time. Or new AAA games that just released in the last year or two that you picked up for the first time specifically to play on Steam Deck and have kept you glued to the device.
I’m trying to reinvigorate my old, nostalgic love of gaming and hoping to find the perfect Steam Deck + addicting game combo.
I installed 1,000 old game ROMs for NES, SNES, Sega Genesis/Master System, N64, and PS1. I’ve been reliving all of my childhood games since I got it. Road Rash on the PS1 was one I never played (and forgot existed) until my wife told me about it. What a blast.
Have you seen road redemption? It’s a more modern rogue-lite spiritual successor.
I can’t promise it will scratch the same itch, and it’s not cutting edge technically or anything, but I got some mileage from it.
Edit: It’s bundled on Fanatical for a couple bucks right now.
I have that. I was way too excited about it too. Unfortunately it’s more like a mobile quality version of road rash.
Yeah! I binged that game when I found it. Completed the whole story and then started another playthrough.
Snes games rock. They hold up really well in gameplay and artwork, and finished ones I never played before on the Deck.
Rom hacks are so great, too. I always look for bug fix, QoL, and “skip the grind” mods (like 5× experience gain in JRPGs).
Some completely change the style of gameplay, too, like the Turbo mod for Secret of Mana.
Same. Emu station has to be my most played app.
Just curious, did you get the Deck just for that? I think you can run all of those on like the Retroid Pocket, which is like 1/4 the price of the deck?
Oh, no haha. It was just nice to have them as categories in the Steam app alongside my 250+ PC games.
ohhh gotcha gotcha. gotta love the versatility of the Deck!
Nothing beats a whole library on its own on an SD card. Except multiple >:)