How can someone have four simultaneous citizenships?
My kids are entitled to 5 citizenships. 2 from me and 3 from their mum.
How can someone have four simultaneous citizenships?
My kids are entitled to 5 citizenships. 2 from me and 3 from their mum.
He’ll keep defaming her because he knows it doesn’t cost him a penny. He knows that he has his legions of mugs and idiots who will keep giving up their social security checks for him.
And Elon Musk would probably be exactly the same if not that he would be totally cancelled today. Xitter (pronounced Shitter) is supposed to be his newspaper where he can trumpet his far-right BS, but we have the ability to push back now which didn’t exist in Henry Ford’s time.
They don’t understand that jobs have been going to less qualified white men, instead of more qualified minorities for decades.
They certainly do understand that. That changing is what scares them so much.
she sleeps with a piece of thorium under her pillow.
We are so baffled in Europe about how a country that preaches human rights around the world revels in denying its own people one of the most fundamental human rights. Truly mind boggling.
She thinks that nuclear radiation has healing properties
In a way she’s actually not wrong. That’s what radiotherapy is. Focused nuclear radiation to heal cancer.
Only if swallowing is involved.
And Iran (even though not Arab) is the only country outside Israel to reverse reserve a seat in parliament specifically for a Jewish representative.
Is Ohio a pro-life state? If yes, does this mean the cop can be charged for illegally terminating a pregnancy?
Meanwhile, Iran actually has a seat in parliament that is reserved for a Jewish representative.
Shhh. Don’t tell conservatives. God is gay.
Everything turns to shit in the end.