Ooh boy 😂
Busy conquering
Ooh boy 😂
If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be sold, moron.
😂 More people should be aware of this.
People all over the world are generally delighted that you bothered at all, and are eager to teach you more.
Agreed. All you need is how to say hi/hello, thanks, am sorry/excuse me and goodbye (bonus: “not very fluent with that-language”).
body language is pretty standard all over the world these days; globalization and the internet may have contributed to this (unless people there have been living under a rock for over half a century)
For Eg, acting “drinking from an imaginary bottle” signals as you are thirsty, requesting water.
You will be amazed with your brain capacity to sock up more of that language while in that country.
No single person
High 5 maybe?
They’ll be fiiine, the whole world will be fine.
People tend to over-exaggerate how shitty of a president Trump is.
I mean, imagine if Hitler was at the center of “world order”
Remember, folks, whenever there’s a change in society, there will be an exchange of wealth.
So quit complaining and see how you can use it to land cash on your pockets!
Well… shite
Pick up any trash that I touch/step on/kick and dispose of it into the nearest bin.
This started from the bottles and soda cans kicking, I just loved how they sound when kicked to the max. I still do to this day :)
My dad hated it so much. He probably smacked my young tush once or twice for that. So i would pick the dirty bottles and cans (filthy and dusty at this point) if he’s in the vicinity and kick them hard out far back. Yap, I know how silly this is. He still heard the kick sounds, tho LoL
So he came with a truce: “You wanna kick bottles? Fine. You kick a bottle, you ensure a proper disposal of it on the bin.”
He even gave me a tactic to kick them higher up that day LoL
Good Lord, zero akaash Singh mention. Lemme fix that.
Here’s a Teaser for you.
And yes, he’s racist AF, and I’m here for it.
Cool, now you know how billionaires feel every single day
Good’ol minor “collateral”
“i dare you to”
LOL, I bet you woke up one random night and started laughing out of nowhere
Storage, temperature control, and airflow.
Don’t humans need airflow? Why aren’t our houses that tall
oxygen has become profitable because it is progress.
It already is! overcharged oxygen canisters in the hospitals
Lol, imaging switching from 15db typical room whisper sound to idk, 100db? sound of falling in terminal velocity and then back. The face expression is priceless
This is amaizing
Youse LOL, almost lost it when I heard it one time
I don’t post anymore, don’t have an account.
Yap, I nuked it too
Smacked the shit out of our old CRT TV, worked!