Ban corporate ownership of residential housing and implement a land value tax. Problem solved. Won’t happen though, probably shouldn’t even give a shit to keep writing this.
Ban corporate ownership of residential housing and implement a land value tax. Problem solved. Won’t happen though, probably shouldn’t even give a shit to keep writing this.
Okay so I’ll say he will win in 2024 so then I’ll be wrong as well. It would be crazy if he won as a convicted felon, after being impeached twice, after losing in 2020 by a landslide.
That’s probably why he won’t win again. It would be amazing to have a convicted felon as president, he’d go from being a distraction to being the thing that causes serious unrest.
Look at this graph, when you know, then you know. Fuck all this distraction from the actual problem, orange man is a distraction.
Good, they should be far cheaper than gasoline cars. America is losing to China when it comes to EVs, and many other things.
Here’s the photos so you don’t have to click the link, my browser blocked about half of that entire webpage.
Google got rid of the dislike count on videos for a reason, holding content creators accountable is absolutely what should be done. It’s horseshit to think that content creators shouldn’t be accountable for the sponsorships they take.
Thankfully those who got the vaccine are mostly protected. Sadly it’s always the children who suffer from their shitty parents. Looking at it optimistically, this is a small part of the population.
I didn’t miscomprehend, you just disagree with my reasonable assertion that AI isn’t pointless and sucks. Hope this helps!
I’m very happy that I don’t have kids. I still have no idea what compels people to have kids these days. They must not know the things I know.
Practically I think that all felons shouldn’t be able to run for office given the nature of the system. Ideally it would be case by case, but yes it would be corrupted and used by those in power to stop people from running. We either need to allow felons to vote and allow felons to run for president, OR do not allow felons to vote and do not allow felons to run for president. Right now the system makes no fucking sense.
That’s good bait, but I’m still not taking it. I repeat my stance, felonies should be considered on a case by case basis, but there are many felons I’d have an issue with running for office, not just this particular one.
Sure felonies should be considered on a case by case basis, but there are many felons I’d have an issue with running for office, not just this particular one.
Good now that he’s a convicted felon he can’t run for president just like you can’t vote, right? …right? Fuck this system.
we should be blaming the way we produce electricity
I’m also referring to emissions, just redirecting focus about HOW electricity is produced. Also, AI is not pointless, that’s a bad claim. You have a comprehension issue.
the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights
This comparison is bad. Commercial flights don’t use electricity, they use jet fuel, pumping fumes directly into the atmosphere. I don’t see a single complaint about HOW electricity is produced. I just read about how there’s too much solar power in California. A serious disconnect in the logic blaming AI for pollution when we should be blaming the way we produce electricity.
the price of so many things works skyrocket
That’s probably all you needed to write. Keeping prices artificially low by importing so much from China is a failing of the US.
Then WHY in the world does the US import so much from China? Seems like a pick and choose bullshit take. The US is losing against China, they’re protecting US automobile manufacturers.
Meanwhile Biden just implemented huge tariffs on Chinese EVs. Trump is a corrupt fuck running his mouth in hopes to get more money from donors.
Ban corporations/private companies from holding empty residential housing. Problem solved. Not complicated. Our system fucking sucks and is designed to protect land owners which is why we’re in this situation. This is fucking up our entire society, slowly bringing us down, we’re losing to China. This change needs to happen soon otherwise we’re going to see the working class get milked hard enough that our real economy will collapse.