ain’t no way you’re tryna copyright some words man
ain’t no way you’re tryna copyright some words man
Star Wars and Warframe. Those work really well together :D
an oscilloscope.
no, because my family insists it’s not worth it.
i would definitely go for Scriabin
i don’t think Christianity is the main problem
i am my own cleaning robot! :)
that’s incredibly cute
I don’t know what you’re talking about, they’re pretty comfortable if I say so myself
flairs would be really helpful though. i can filter for what I’m specifically looking for, or filter what I don’t out, if there’s flairs for that
you can hide read posts
freak out and talk about it with people before it potentially happens to me too and maybe start a livestream so if it does happen it’ll happen on live even though nobody will probably believe it
about a third of this comment section is incredibly unhelpful by repeating that “shit happens” when you clearly just said you know that. in my case, you talk it out with someone, and either of two things can happen. you find someone who’ll help you with it, or someone who’ll shit you with it. if the latter happens, repeat. if the latter happens many times over eventually you’ll grow desensitized to it and the dread will kinda just disappeared. mind that things may work differently for everybody so maybe this will not work with you, but why not try it out.
in my defense, I will look in that spot, see nothing, hit the griddy in my head, plot a coup, forget where you said it would be, you come to show, you freaking spawn it from nowhere like some wizard right in front of my eyes
holy crap this sums it up so well lmao
sigh ^ that’s the most correct thing you can say here
coming from r/PCM I was used more to downvotes being in fact used for filtering low quality stuff out, that being said I already mentioned that’s not the type of comment I’m talking about, I expected to get downvoted in the controversial comments. I was talking about more mundane stuff
does anyone recommend any Firefox alternatives? I genuinely hate Firefox’s UI and keybinds and the scrolling tabs