Because the courts in America have proven how much they care about rule of law and procedure when it comes to rich offenders lately…
Because the courts in America have proven how much they care about rule of law and procedure when it comes to rich offenders lately…
LTT fans are in complete meltdown over big mean steve pointing out that Linus seemingly discovered this and stayed completely quiet about it.
Linus seems to had a big hissy fit about the whole subject of Honey on his WAN show, too.
Reknown Dog Rapist and Facebook Founder Mark Fuckerberg goes hard right after relationship issue, sucks up to other small dick energy losers like Musk and Turmp to validate himself.
Folks, I think we got a bot here thats just spewing pre-prepared lines, regardless of how irrelevant the comment is.
you cant. cause someone will have to own the hardware, to install it, to pay the bills and maintenence. So someone will always have critical control over some part or another.
and that wont go away until we become a Star Trek utopian society… and given the way things are in the world right now, we’re going in the exact opposite of that.
thats…literally what they just said.
no, i said having a universal insurance would lower premiums significantly since there would be no corporate greed driving prices up for personal gain and everyone paying into a single pot.
But please, keep stretching. You are apparently treating this topic like a yoga class and gotta stretch stretch stretch.
deliberate sabotage bought and paid for by the private industry, to increase public pressure to move more healthcare to the private sector, so CEOs can make more billions.
and i have no idea. americans are fucking stupid. “Do you want to pay an extra 100 dollars in taxes for great health coverage and no declining what you need?” "NO! I WANT TO PAY 5000 FOR COVERAGE THAT DENIES EVERYTHING, BECAUSE A POOR CEO NEEDS A NEW GOLDEN TOILET ON HIS 8TH YACHT "
Did you pull a muscle? You know, stretching that hard to intentionally misconstrue what I said.
wow, its almost as if we should cut off the heads of insurance CEOs and nationalize them all into one low cost government plan thats paid for with pennies on the dollar in taxes.
lol, who am I kidding. Idiot Americans will always prefer paying 3000 dollars for bad coverage, rather than pay 100 in taxes for great coverage.
There will be no protection under the social contract for those who wish to violate it.
the fact that people are so obsessed with social media that they cant even realize the simple option of just stopping all together really says how toxic and addictive social media is.
I just imagine Trump is sitting on the couch, legs crossed, stuffing bonbons in his mouth like somekind of horrific peggy bundy from hell while watching social media on a big screen and furiously replying to every imagined slight.
But its not a joke.
Musk is president.
Trumps just the bitchy wife.
its only challenging to moderate because corporate media is struggling to silence the majority without making it look like they are silencing the majority and provoking outrage towards them and their CEOs.
Yes, How dare I ask a question about the US, in a thread about the US.
Does my american arrogance no know bounds?!
Thanks. Thats real helpful.
Boosters arent free anymore, are they?
I’m sure there will be a federal giveaway of money for internet providers to expand their networks to rural users to solve this problem…and they totally won’t just keep the money, give ti to executives as bonuses, and refuse to do the work or anyhting.