I just pinned the new version to the taskbar so I don’t have to mess around with the old version diversion
I just pinned the new version to the taskbar so I don’t have to mess around with the old version diversion
I’ve seen some that follow other accounts around and comment on everything they post/comment because they’re salty about an argument in another thread. It’s strange to say the least.
Be boring rather than arrogant. If they ask what you did this weekend or what you’re doing later just say nothing really or watching TV and relaxing. Few words answers, when the conversation isn’t flowing naturally they will just think you’re boring and leave you alone.
Obviously this might not work for everyone but it’s worked for me everytime.
I mean, in terms of preserving the timeline and not leaving the tiny chance of fossilised saddles. They brought it with them, why not just take it back too so it’s not even there.
True communism (as I understand it at least) would be good for societies overall. The problem is that every example of communism so far has not been truly communist, they may have turned fascist or into a dictatorship but communism is meant to benefit the community. You give what you can and take what you need.
Communism in itself is hard to put into practice because human nature takes over and people get greedy and/or lazy. A governing power begins to enforce their ideals and hey ho, there goes communism out the window.
I’m not close to an expert on this btw, I’m just voicing my interpretation of it from what little I know.
Rock wool, ignoring it’s insulating properties, I’m forced to believe was created by the devil himself.
Not even that, your teeth are linked in with your vascular and nervous systems. It may seem like a none issue now but it could lead to neurological issues or sepsis.
Eh, little bit of this, little bit of that.
I can imagine it now.
Alexa’s installed throughout the house that have alarms to remind you to attend work.
An expensive subscription service for toilet use forcing the tenants to piss in bottles.
Scheduled TV time forced to only consume Amazon prime shows or films
Basically, this:
They have twenties of them
Edit: Scores, they have scores of them
I don’t believe this, have you got a reliable source?
Since we’re sharing…
It took me longer than it should to realise it was Epstein and not Anthony bourdain.
I have nothing political to contribute to this, I’m just here to say that he looks like a Harry Enfield character.
You’re very judgemental for someone with mental happiness.
Fire and ice
Closed and open
Pressurised gas cylinder and unpressurised gas cylinder?
LPG and un-LPG?
Cool and uncool is my best guess.
They do what we all did and start drinking at 14 in a park somewhere