When the barrier is monetary, are you really getting the best folks?
I’m a dude in Oregon. I regularly make bad life decisions and do not make a habit of learning from my mistakes.
When the barrier is monetary, are you really getting the best folks?
Yeah, white Jesus is kinda a dick. We should deport him.
Edit: but not like the Romans did.
I mean, not for a lot of food production. We had Halal cert at our grain mill and a few other places I’ve worked at, and we never treated the food differently. Same with Kosher. They just send someone out to extort your business for certificate renewal.
Can’t spend money on sinfrastructure.
Get ready for more train derailments!
Maybe if we just don’t think about that, things will turn out perfectly fine.
I don’t know why you went for the left. Plenty of meat left on the right one. We’ll send a team out in a month.
Me neither, but I’d be convinced if someone teleported the proof into my brain.
I’m not confident the expressed carnal knowledge is common to normal biologists.
Don’t take unlabeled food from known stoner fridges.
Corporations are eating the extra pizza tho. I told mom but she says she can’t do anything about it.
Got a thesis on Dionysian ethics handy? Or napkins. Napkins are cool, too.
You’re invited!
That it do. Albeit not loud enough.
Give me $5K and a case of beer and I’ll make you a dog suit that breathes fire.
You always get a better bang for your buck investing in furries.
$7.5K if you want safety standards, though.
My Psych degree hangs framed above my toilet. It really brings the room together. I only put partial weight into standardized testing, IQ or personality tests, and I hope other people realize the constraints and fallabilities of these metrics. I don’t detest that they exist. I just hope people don’t horoscope 'em.
I’ve had 3 dramatically different outcomes depending on the context in which I take it.
I mean, I usually do both. Gotta find balance in your life.
My faithful dog truck died and I buried him with a beer alongside a dirt road that serves as a metaphor for nothing in particular.
Well, yeah, but I come from furry culture. Gotta respect your artists.
“See, Marge, I told you they could deep fry my shirt.” “I didn’t say THEY COULDN’T, I said YOU SHOULDN’T.”