Yes, imminent domain. You don’t own land you only lease it from the government.
Yes, imminent domain. You don’t own land you only lease it from the government.
Do you mean sapient? Because plants are also sentient; all sentience is is the ability to react to senses. Sapience on the other hand is the ability to have higher thought, like tool use, teaching, recognizing yourself in a mirror, etc… Finally there is the ability to feel pain which I do not think has a word. Plants from what we can tell cannot process pain, but can process negative stimuli.
Brave or foolish?
Question: “I shouldn’t be expected to assume that. Furthermore, when they tell me and my natural response is “Huh?” I shouldn’t be vilified for not knowing what they mean”
Who has ever done this to you. Ever. Who have you met that asked you to address them in a specific way then got pissy at you over it? I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but neither me nor anyone I know nor anyone who knows a person I know has ever had this happen to them.
Also: “and that should be taken into consideration, but that doesn’t mean everything they say is right.”
How can someone be wrong about the courtesy title that they choose to use? Like the entire concept and name ‘courtesy title’ make it pretty clear what they are about.
Is it really so hard to respect a person enough to address them with the courtesy title they ask you to use? Are you in any way inconvenienced by saying “Hello Mx. TWeaK, how are you today”?
I agree that Mc is made up bullshit
Boy do I have bad news for you about every other word that exists in every single language. There is no word tree we harvest fresh ripe new words from, everything is made up. We are just meat squirting air through our various holes because we like the sounds they make and wish to communicate thought.
What word your looking for is a shibboleth, which of course is itself a shibboleth.
2 elephants dancing around either a pole, cat, or pawn
F, E, F
In most cases, local governments use direct cremation to dispose of unclaimed bodies and the cremains are stored for a set period of time. After being stored the cremains may be scattered. The Cremation Society of North America has estimated that there are currently 2 million unclaimed cremated remains in the U.S.
Some counties elect to bury unclaimed bodies. Typically, the body is buried in an unmarked grave that is county-owned. If a family member later comes forward the body may be exhumed upon request.
Other states allow for unclaimed bodies to be donated for medical science. There are also state laws that allow for the unclaimed bodies of veterans to be buried by third party groups.
Source: Direct Cremation
This is for unclaimed bodies, if your body is claimed by your family then the cost is taken out of your estate or your family have to pay for it.
You wish it was free, not on your life bud.
This question is less interesting when in context of how we normally think about loved ones, being that they are around for most of your life.
When you immortal that’s no longer the case, you’ll eventually have a relationship with loved ones similar to a person who has had countless pets over the course of their life. The love a person holds for their pet is real, but it isn’t exactly the same as “the love of your life”.
Forever is a long time yo.
The real interesting question is after a century or two, when you start treating your lovers like an old man on his tenth dog.
That doesn’t change the fact that this isn’t news. Crime is only newsworthy if it stands a chance at meaningful affecting others in the rest of the country. Why do you think we don’t write a news article for every robbery?
How is this news? “Be aware, some rando you never heard of before or will hear about again did a bad in a way that will never affect your life in any way.”
It doesn’t look like it’s manned, just a robot
I’m going to go on a different angle on this one and say that we are much tougher on sexual harassment. I feel like a lot of people from the 1950s who have grown up on pulp sci-fi like Flash Gordon could accept a lot of modern technology and the internet as basically just magic. To be fair is how a lot of modern people also accept it. But I don’t think they would be able to process the move towards egalitarianism that we have taken.
That is not to say that modern society is egalitarian only that we have made good strides in achieving that aim.
Edit: Turns out Gordon is from the '70s, but other pulp sci-fi exist so my statement stands.
If a cop can take your property with no consequences and you will be arrested or killed if you defend yourself and your property, then what the law says doesn’t matter as the defacto state of reality isn’t concerned with such petty things as laws.