It’s the woman’s choice to get an epidural or not though…
Yeah at the very least you need a book cause shit gets boring and you’re luck if you have a tv in the room
Unrealistic he stayed on one topic the whole time it’s way too coherent
Ok well I’m gonna play some video games, you continue to rant to whoever will listen about leo
Just an observation
You seem mad
I just see people outraged at his preference and it makes me chortle
If they’re consenting adults and well aware of his habits then why do you care?
Jurassic park Princess bride Count of monte cristo
I just chose not to comment on that one haha
A friend blocked my number for a week because I wouldn’t stop texting him and talking to him in “ermagerd” speak.
I tried zooming in to see better but it’s too grainy, could go either way I guess, good thing this is shitposting and not seriousposting
Classic squid haha
The phone is on the camera though so idk why all the jokes are about GPS and not about a rigged up dash cam :o
Why would I want more responsibility for not that much more pay?
Only Americans can be racist?