Is Natalie Portman single? Follow up: Does Natalie Portman have low standards? I’ll have a couple dozen more depending on the search results of this one.
Is Natalie Portman single? Follow up: Does Natalie Portman have low standards? I’ll have a couple dozen more depending on the search results of this one.
And some of us have been for over 3 years…
Now I want a buddy cop long lost brother style movie with the 2 of them…
True, it seems people don’t like it when you poke fun at such a serious subject, I suppose it’s because dark comedy is like food: not everyone gets it.
Pay the lady whatever she asks and make it sound COMPLETELY like her. Worth it.
The kicker is normally the highest scoring player on the team, they really are weirdly underappreciated.
25 bah! As an older millennial allow me to say they peaked at Dragonball Z. YOU HEARD ME.
Here’s the thing tho, if it ACTUALLY met the N95 filtering standard, and looked cool as shit… I’d absolutely buy one.
I’m pretty sure he has a lawyer and will have a day in court, which is literally the basic protections of the law. Kanye is a piece of shit, we don’t prosecute for that.
Bad and illegal are 2 different things.
Honestly I’m all for freedom of the press bit there’s a lot of nuance here as to whether what he did was legal… He didn’t explicitly have permission to access what he accessed so it’s definitely a gray area which is exactly what the courts are supposed to decide.
Also, Leviathan? 100%. And my only problem with Dusti Rose is the “I”.
Fuck you Wolfgang Atreides is money. I’d follow that baby into battle.
Yeah but that’s not what you said. You said the White House said the company wouldn’t be financially responsible, Biden said the federal government would provide funding to get the bridge rebuilt as soon as possible, meaning not wait for the company to pay for the damages, which will of course take years (which is the real problem here). You’re spinning it in a very different way.
Yeah that’s not what he said.
I guess I’m a rightwing pod caster now.
My sister had a lot of cats. We stopped being clever naming them, they got names like “Orange Short Hair”, etc.
Except this one cat that otherwise looked like 2 others, except it had these amazing tufts of hair coming out of its ears, so we named him Ears. Then we found out he was deaf… but we had already named him Ears, so it stuck.
Then you’re streets behind, sorry I don’t make the rules.
Oh God please let them drug test him sooner rather than later…