Oh I believe that 100%!
I suppose I’m a little more patient with it because I went through the same change myself, AND because I like people (finally) pointing out that we do have a system for socialized healthcare in America!
Oh I believe that 100%!
I suppose I’m a little more patient with it because I went through the same change myself, AND because I like people (finally) pointing out that we do have a system for socialized healthcare in America!
I mean, tbf, joining the military IS what made me start looking into the concept of Socialism and what it means.
Is the military socialism? No, us Enlisted have no power and the Officer corps is the “owning class”, but we have good, tax payer funded social benefits that I believe everyone should have access to.
It’s like a gateway drug into anti-capitalism idealogies. If the US is never going to go full socialist (or at least not in our lifetimes), then I think raising taxes and giving everyone TRICARE, VA Loan benefits, tuition assistance, and a pension will go a long way in solving most people’s biggest fears/relieving a metric fuckton of oppression caused by capitalism.
Also, having been to the Middle East and seen firsthand the stark difference of people driving around Ducatis and Lambos, parking in front malls inlaid with real gold, while 10 minutes up the road whole communities had built their shack homes in the desert with random odds and ends and thrown blankets over their windows was…I cant really describe the feeling I got. Dread, anger, immense sadness, just a whole myriad of negative emotions. Couple that with the intense religious fervor that is rampant in the region, and yeah, I have no idea how a military member can look at all that and be like “This. This is what America needs.”
Granted, yes, unfortunately a lot of our service men and women are still unfortunately extremely pro-Capitalism/Trump and Elon Musk fanboys…I just don’t know how.
Either way, my comment got long, but when people start in on the “The Army is Socialist!” Dont be mad. Educate! They’re at the very least coming from a place of “Fuck, we really could make everyones lives better if we give everyone these benefits that we enjoy so much!” And that shows compassion for others, which is something so fucking desperately needed right now.
True! Some actual info would be nice since this could plausibly be several people it seems.
Drunk brain just lit up last night and was like “The time has come to dispense Real Housewives of DC lore upon the public”.
(And sober brain is like: “Hey Self, Salahi didn’t run a ponzi scheme from the WH numbnuts, she just crashed a dinner”. So the other person is likely correct, and I posted out of turn)
Are we sure this isnt referencing Real Housewives of DC Michaele Salahi? Who Broke Up A Whitehouse Dinner?
And also subsequently married Neil Schon from Journey?
Idk wtf kinda bad ass stuff 8 year old you was made of. I rip my nail off and expose the soft tissue underneath that normally isnt exposed to air and it burns like a bitch for a while. Then when that wears off it burns if I catch it on anything until the nail grows back over it!
This. The entire state of Texas shut down for an entire week, and people literally died in their homes over 2 inches of snow in 2021. 2 fucking inches.
If your local area doesn’t have the infrastructure in place to support winter weather conditions, any snowfall at all may as well be a 4 ft blizzard.
You know what? I actually just saw her perform over the summer and she is still Queen status.
Better artist anyhow. You right!
Oof yeah. I’m so sorry about that.
I was never a Neil Gaiman girlie, not because of any vibes or anything, I was just reading other shit in my youth. But it was VERY clear from that thread that he was a very beloved author who touched a lot of lives. A LOT of people seem heartbroken about that.
Finding out those we look up to are awful incarnate is the worst feeling.
I am so fucking on board with this, lfg!
Maaaaannnn, all these people in here are clowning on her for her shitty music. But “Before He Cheats” was my way to own my “Drunk Basic White Lady” status at Karaoke. Now I can’t even be a stereotype anymore.
Jokes aside, fuck you Carrie Underwood. I was a fan in my youth and grew out of your music, but there was still two or three songs I got good nostalgia vibes from. Not anymore!
Ugh I hate when people I’ve supported turns out to be monsters.
Fuck that sounds cozy!
My people!!!
Oof, this is rough to admit even anonymously as someone who cares about the environment:
I really like the feeling of being both hot and cold at the same time, so when the temps finally drop in my area, I like to crack the window open beside my computer and then sit with a space heater. Sometimes when I drive to work in the winter, I also like to crack my windows and have the heat blasting.
Dawwww it makes me sad that there was a thumbs down sign! He just a cute little guy!
Yeah, it’s actually legit fucking insane. I’ve been deployed 3 times, and the amount of infidelity I witnessed from both spouses, every time, was…something to behold. The first time I went I naively thought people were blowing the rate out of proportion before I got there but it was like…so many people.
Like I get that military life is difficult, most people get married hella young so the partners can stay together, and then deployments happen. Deployments happen right after one spouse uproots their entire lives to move halfway across the world with no support system. It still sucks to see because once it all comes out, it tears families apart every time.
That lady wishes she could be known for something like Leroy Jenkins.
Nah, she’s one of those family youtubers with a bunch of children, and they came under fire recently because it was found out that they live in a one bedroom apartment and her and her fiance share the bedroom while her kids slept on mattresses in the kitchen.
Ah, the Resilient Jenkins approach.
I was just telling my husband that I would hate this because we rescue dogs and that would be one more surface to vacuum, but that this would be really cute in a no pet AirBnB for some quirky appeal.
That freezer water/meat scent comment made me second guess that though 🤮
I really enjoy the tiny ceiling lamp in this one. It’s doing its best!
Clocking in!