Forgot the most important one! Make todo list so you can cross something off and feel productive 😄
Forgot the most important one! Make todo list so you can cross something off and feel productive 😄
The highest quality fruits, veggies, and meats go to restaurants leaving only mid stuff at the grocery store. Which makes cooking at home seem inferior to restaurant food even for home chefs. Pushing people to spend more going out and drive capitalism
but then we’ll figure something out.
It’s not a trivial problem to solve lol
Is letting a depressed person push people away so they become more suicidal ethical?
Not sure how big node footprint is but would fit the bill. Would only recommend if you wanna go into web dev career in the future tho 🙃
Sure would be a shame of Bobby tables made a ring acct
Instructions unclear dick caught in ceiling fan
Rm stands for remove
-fr stands for the French language
/ stands for your entire system
Don’t trust random internet strangers either
News to me! Good to know. Will have to see how that’s handled and maybe make pr to my favorite apps
Are you happy?
Ffs our politicians are cheap
I have my phone on vibrate, don’t keep it on me all the time and don’t have a smartwatch
Ok my dumbass doesn’t know what that word means lmao. Thought it meant great excess, luxury, etc. but it’s more all the negative things associated with those.
- A process, condition, or period of deterioration or decline, as in morals or art; decay.
Decadence while ~60% of the us live paycheck to paycheck def is
How can you justify taking a train when flying is faster and cheaper usually?
We already have infinite money glitch. Fiat currency just prints more whenever it suits the gov
A similiar proportion of companies are in the same ‘paycheck to paycheck’ boat. There’s tons of zombie companies. It’s the big 7 that prop everything up